Open Thesis Topics:

Contact Chrysa Bika for topics of:

  • (Serious) Games Engineering
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Accessibility

Contact Sandro Weber  for topics of:

Contact Sven Liedtke  for topics of:

  •  Project: Cooperative Map for Executive Officers during Catastrophic Situations

    • no open Topics
  •  Project: Ubi-Vis - Ubiquitous Visualization Platform for Mixed Reality Applications

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    • User Interface - Design and evaluate concepts to enhance spatial awareness to guide users to information of interests
    • Continuous Integration - How to test and ensure functionality of XR apps and corresponding user interfaces
    • Performance Measuring - Ensure low frame timing for XR application is crucial for a suitable user experience
    • Adaptive scene management to fit environmental geometry
    • Collaborative and shared virtual environment with HoloLens2 and other participants
    • Enhancing 3D User Interfaces by a classification system for transitions and animations
  • Project: Augmented Cockpit
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  • Project: EduAR for Piano learning
    • No topics available

Contact: Eghtebas, Chloe for topics of:

Research Topics 

Contact Christian Eichhorn (details: Open Thesis) for topics of:

Contact Daniel Dyrda for topics of:

Contact David Plecher (details Open Theses)

  • Serious-AR-Games: teaching (programming) languages, cultural heritage,...... with Serious Games and Augmented Reality  (Bachelor/Master Thesis, Master Practical Course, Guided Research)
  • Serious Games Research (theoretical or/and practical): Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment/Adaption (DDA), improved feedback (e.g. use of AI) (Bachelor/Master Thesis, Master Practical Course, Guided Research)
  • Vesuvius Challenge ( - Visualizing big data (e.g. in VR), AI (Prior knowledge required), OCR,... 
  • AR and Cultural Heritage: using AR in museums or public places to visualize information, objects,.... [Photogrammetry, 3D Modelling, 3D Scans, 3D Printing] (Bachelor/Master Thesis, Master Practical Course, Guided Research)

Contact Gudrun Klinker  for open thesis topics

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Finished/Running Theses Add New Bachelor ThesisAdd New Master ThesisAdd New Practical Course

MP: Using Projective Augmented Reality in an Interactive Museum Application
MP: RuneTD
MP: Nachts im Museum
MP: HieroQuest
MP: AR-Escape the Room
MA: Wireless Streaming of PC generated VR content to visualize High Detailed 3D models of Cultural Heritage
MA: Wireless Streaming of PC generated VR content for Immersive HD Gaming
MA: Using Photogrammetry and Augmented Reality for Virtual Reconstruction of Ancient Statues
MA: Siegestor AR
MA: PID-Tuning Framework for Remotely Operated Humanoid Robots
MA: HieroQuest – Educational Hieroglyph Game
MA: Handshake
MA: Evaluation of Potential for Automotive Engineering Training in Virtual Reality
MA: Evaluation and Implementation of a digital Museum Guide with Augmented Reality
MA: Elementary
MA: Design and Evaluation of a Remote Guidance Application by using 3D Augmentation to Enhance Spatial Understanding of a Problem by means of Mixed Reality Technology
MA: Combining a drinking gadget with a boardgame to improve the quality of life ofAlzheimer’s patients
MA: Behavior Specification for Reactive Systems
MA: A Serious Game about Ancient Battles in Virtual Reality
MA: ARtemis - Augmented Reality and Ancient Statues
MA: A location-based serious game about the Studentenstadt Freimann
MA: A Gamified Drinking Reminder Application for Seniors
GR Enable 3-6
GR Arabisch
Escape: Kill Zone
Boxfrod out of Shape
Between Worlds
BA: Working in VR - A web-based approach combining 2D and 3D interfaces
BA: VR - Perception of Time & Immersion in Situations of Acrophobia
BA: Visual Augmentation To Improve Bench Pressing Form
BA: Virtual Embodiment of Human Feet in the Neurorobotics Platform
BA: Using Mobile AR Tracking Data to Generate 3D Geometry for Gameplay Interaction
BA: Using Mixed Reality to Present Cultural Heritage in a Museum Demonstrated by the Example of the Arch of Titus
BA: Using AR to Help Learn Songs on a Physical Piano
BA: The Future of UX Design using EEG Brain Activity and Emotion Recognition Technology
BA: Sushi AR: Augmented Reality Sushi Recipes with Focus on Healthy Nutrition as a Serious Game
BA:Serious Game for Management of IT-Projects
BA: Psychological Mechanics in Mobile Games and the Shift to Mobile VR
BA: MR Parthenon
BA: Learning Assistance for Sports Activities and Physical Therapy based on Body Tracking
BA: Inspired by the ultimate perspective - Development of a piano learning application using augmented reality
BA: Identification and classification of character-based languages in the area of Augmented Reality
BA: HoloOppidum
BA: Exploration of Guidelines to Gather Opinion Data from Games within an Urban Planning Context
BA: Emotion-driven Card Game Design for Cognitive Training of the Elderly
BA: Effects of Locomotion in VR on Motion Sickness and Immersion
BA: Conceptioning and prototyping of a mixed realities dungeon crawler
BA: Classification of sEMG in Ubi-Interact using TernsorflowJS: Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors
BA: A Serious Game about the Battles of the Second Punic War in VR
[WS23 - MA] Remote Bildverarbeitung/Tracking
[24SS - MA] Ubi-Interact: Advanced Security and Privacy Mechanisms for Mixed Reality
[24SS - BA] Augmented Reality on the Farm: Interactive Web Experiences for Visitors at the Veitshof
[23WS - MP] Super Mesh Bros. - Arrow Ambush Adventure
[23WS - MP] Master Practical Course: "Level Design" - Final Presentation - The Facility
[23WS - MP] Level Engineering MP - Daruma
[23WS - MP] Daruma - Level Engineering Project Presentation
[23WS - MP] Augmented Magnets
[23WS - MA] Twitch Pet
[23WS - MA] Throwing, Catching, Juggling: Complex Physics-Based Interaction with Objects in Virtual Reality
[23WS - MA] Simulation of a Hospital Room in Virtual Reality to improve Patient Monitoring
[23WS - MA] Semantical Digital Reconstruction of a Process Plant using Deep Learning based 3D Instance Segmentation - a Case Study
[23WS - MA] Object Tracking and 6-DOF Pose Estimation Using Supervised Learning for Augmented Reality Applications.
[23WS - MA] Level Design: Developing a Blockout Editor for Games Using Virtual Reality
[23WS - MA] Integrating Augmented Reality into the Clinical Craniotomy Planning Process: A Workflow-Based Approach
[23WS - MA] Incorporating Haptic User Interfaces into Dynamic Surface Expansion to create Digital Board Games for the Elderly
[23WS - MA] Impact of Immersion and Presence on Learning during Virtual Training Processes
[23WS - MA] GPU-accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Dynamic Soaring Flight Guidance
[23WS - MA] Extending an Open Source Interpersonal Synchrony Research Platform through User Centered Design Evaluations and Frontend Development
[23WS - MA] Documentation in Game Development: Exploring and Formulating Strategies for Effective Decision-Making Management
[23WS - MA] Development of an Augmented Reality Interface for Intuitive Robot Programming 2
[23WS - MA] Developing a Reactive Character Controller for 3D Action-Adventure Games
[23WS - MA] Creating Interaction Methods for Visual State Diagram Editors
[23WS - MA] Adapting State of the Art Temporal Sentence Grounding Models for Long Videos
[23WS Level Engineering] Colorblocker
[23WS - GR] Towards a Contactless Sensing Pressure Mattress (CPM) for Monitoring and Prevention of Decubitus Ulcers using Force Sensing Resistors (FSR) sensors
[23WS - GR] Modularization of frameworks and tracking techniques in Augmented Reality Applications
[23WS - GR] Gamification of an Augmented reality system for patients undergoing rehabilitation
[23WS - GR] Further development of the wrist of a humanoid nursing robot in a clinical setting. Weiterentwicklung des Handgelenks eines humanoiden Pflegeroboters im klinischen Bereich.
[23WS - GR] Einfluss eines Serious Games zum Erlernen der japanischen Sprache / Impact of a Serious Game for learning Japanese
[23WS - GR] Design and Analysis of a Post-Processing Room in a Synchrony Hub
[23WS - GR] Best Practices for Using AI Companions in Games
[23WS - GR] A study on the effectiveness of different types of navigational assistance in video games when performing complex wayfinding tasks
[23WS - GR] Analysis and Evaluation of a Mobile Augmented Reality Exhibition Guide
[23WS - BA] Volume of Interest Annotation Methods in Industrial Use Cases using Augmented Reality
[23WS - BA] Ubi-Interact Python Node - Impelementation and Testing
[23WS - BA] The real world in VR - a Use Case analysis of Image Based Rendering Techniques in VR
[23WS - BA] The Impact of Different Presentation Modes of Museum Exhibits on the Knowledge Transfer
[23WS - BA] Refactoring and Implementing a Realtime Computer Vision Pipeline for an OpenSource Video Conferencing Platform using OpenFace
[23WS - BA] Reactive Programming Patterns for Games
[23WS - BA] Procedural Content Generation for Dungeons with Focus on Replayability
[23WS - BA] Optimization of Application Funnels with Game-Typical Elements
[23WS - BA] Methods and Tools for Diversity in Game Development
[23WS - BA] Maps in Videogames: Principles and Practice of Map-Based Wayfinding Support Techniques
[23WS - BA] Introduction of Technical Aids in the Form of a Tablet to Support Communication of Patient Needs to Medical Staff
[23WS - BA] Improving Immersion with Hardware in VR Diving Simulations
[23WS - BA] Holographic Concepts for Aircraft Navigation - Implementation in a Mixed Reality Flight Simulator with a Head-Mounted Display
[23WS - BA] Gamespace Patterns: Theory and Application
[23WS - BA] Enhancing Learning with Game Design: Developing Teaching Tools for University Courses Featuring Game-Typical Elements
[23WS - BA] Effects of Immersion on learning in Serious Games
[23WS - BA] Diversity in Games: Methods and Tools for Inclusive Game Development
[23WS - BA] Development of a Smartwatch Interface Design for Elderly People
[23WS - BA] Development of an Augmented Reality Based eLearning Tool for Teaching the Basics of Harmonic Theory
[23WS - BA] Developing a web-based serious game for children about nutrition focusing on the carbon dioxide and water footprint
[23WS - BA] Developing a Serious Game to teach Mathematics
[23WS - BA] Developing a Boss Battle Framework for the Unity Game Engine
[23WS - BA] Designing a Serious Game based on Homers "Odyssey"
[23WS - BA] Creating Dynamic Game Spaces for Location-Based Games Based on Player Individuality
[23WS - BA] Comparing Information Visualization Modalities for 2D Diagrams on Handheld Devices for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications
[23WS - BA] Communication Interfaces for Distributed Augmented Reality Applications in Industrial Contexts
[23WS - BA] Building an Extendable Research Platform for Conducting Online Synchrony Experiments with the help of Design Thinking and Software Development Life Cycle Concepts
[23WS - BA] Blockchain and Games: Evaluating Practicality and Impact
[23WS - BA] Assisting old adults in care with apps providing intuitive UI on Apple Watch and iPhone
[23WS - BA] Artificial Intelligence Assisted Content Generation for Level Design Processes
[23WS - BA] AR Companion Application for Physical and Mental Health Especially for Elderly People
[23WS - BA] AR and Serious Games in Clinical Healthcare Focusing on Nutrition for Certain Diseases
[23WS - BA] An Augmented Reality based Humanoid Robot Teleoperation System for Medical Care
[23WS - BA] A Functional Gamespace Model: Hierarchical Graphs and Spatial Partitioning Based on the Integrity of Space
[23WS - BA] Action Recognition in Virtual Reality
[23SS - MP] A.I. Noire
[23SS - MA] Teaching Optical Principles in XR
[23SS - MA] Studying and Improving the Tracking Module in Industrial Augmented Reality Applications
[23SS - MA] Prototyping Haptic Feedback Gloves for Controlling a Humanoid Robot for Healthcare Applications
[23SS - MA] Physics-based Control of a Humanoid Character with Reinforcement Learning
[23SS - MA] Discussion as a Game: Using Games and Computer-Assisted Moderation to Promote Education About Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
[23SS - MA] A Practical Approach to Documents in Game Development
[23SS - BA] The real world in VR - a Use Case analysis of Image Based Rendering Techniques in VR
[23SS - BA] Games Engineering: a Formal Approach to Gamespaces
[23SS - BA] Draft of a serious game about mythological animals/creatures
[22WS - MP] mARgistrale
[22WS - MP] Evaluating the Effect of Augmented Reality in Serious Games: A DragonTale Case Study
[22WS - MP] Cultural Heritage AR
[22WS - MP] Autonomous Flying Mini Drone-ball in a Multi-Player AR Superhuman Sports Game
[22WS - MA] Visual Debugging in Reactive Programming for Games
[22WS - MA] The Design and Development of a Multiplayer Augmented Reality Platform-Independent Framework for Superhuman Sports
[22WS - MA] Remote Assistance Tools for Virtual Experiences
[22WS - MA] Physics-Based Infrared Sensor Simulation and Visualization on Helmet-Mounted Display
[22WS - MA] Ludus Magnus: The influence of visuals on a Serious Game
[22WS - MA] Ludus Magnus
[22WS - MA] Interactive Music Generation with Deep Learning
[22WS - MA] Industrial Augmented Reality Requirements, Mobile 3D Reconstruction Methods and Markerless Object Tracking
[22WS - MA] Human Pose Estimation: Validation of Learning-based Approaches for Application in Sports Analytics
[22WS - MA] HoloAssist: Integrating an Augmented Reality Headset in a Flight Simulator
[22WS - MA] Generating an Environment for Socializing Between Elderly in a VR Supermarket
[22WS - MA] Evaluation of Serious Games and Gamification as a Tool for Learning Japanese Kanji
[22WS - MA] Evaluation of Recent Augmented Reality Tracking Approaches for Augmented Quality Checks in an Assembly Line
[22WS - MA] Engineering a State Diagram Editor for Optimal Developer Experience
[22WS - MA] Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Dragon Tale - A Serious Game for Learning Japanese Kanji
[22WS - MA] Bonkers Borders - A Serious AR Game of Boundaries Unfitting and Consequences Unwitting
[22WS - MA] ARSagas - A Historically Accurate Serious Game Focusing on Mythology
[22WS - MA] A Machine Learning Exploration to Quantify Synchrony: Visually Detecting Dyadic Synchrony Based on a Multi-modal Data Stream
[22WS - MA] Acquire, Visualize, and Analyze Building Models for Construction Progress Monitoring
[22WS - MA] Accessibility and Acceptance of Novel Interactions in Virtual Engineering Worlds
[22WS - MA] 3D User Interfaces for Virtual World Engineering Using Virtual Reality
[22WS - Level Engineering] Fogvill: Amusement Park of the Dead
[22WS - GR] Trend Study on Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality: the gateways to the Metaverse
[22WS - GR] Silhouette-Based Segmentation of 3D Objects for Industrial Use Cases
[22WS - GR] Multiuser VR Shopping Simulation for elderly people
[22WS - GR] Integration of Structured Light Sensor into Mobile Augmented Reality Scenarios and Feasibility Analysis for 3D Reconstruction
[22WS - GR] Improving the Augmented Virtuality Smartphone as an Interaction Device
[22WS - GR] Extended Natural User Interface: Combining Microelectronics with Tangible Pieces in a Serious Board Game for the Elderly
[22WS - GR] Exploring the IMGUI concept for graphical user interfaces in mixed reality applications
[22WS - GR] AR-based Pose Quality Evaluation in COLMAP and Blurred Image Detection in Photogrammetry Image-Sets
[22WS - BA] Virtual Board Game for Dementia Patients Nine Men ́s Morris and Variants with 3D Printed Pieces and Touchscreen
[22WS - BA] Unified Camera Controls: Developing a Camera System for 3D Computer Games
[22WS - BA] Towards an Adaptive Framework: Pacing in Nonlinear Gamespaces
[22WS - BA] Simulation for Practicing and Learning the Japanese Language in Real-Life Situations With the Usage of AR
[22WS - BA] Remote guidance using augmented reality annotations through video streams
[22WS - BA] Realistic tennis simulation in virtual reality using haptic ball physics
[22WS - BA] Procedural Dungeon Generation For Games Based On Hierarchical Graphs
[22WS - BA] Principles of Japanese Joinery Applied on 3D Printed Data Transferring Interconnected Modules
[22WS - BA] Physical Embodiment in VR: Interchangeable Web-Based Modules using Ubi-Interact
[22WS - BA] Modes of Presentation
[22WS - BA] Mixed Reality im Gesundheitswesen: Immersive Humanoide Robotersteuerung für Patientenpflege
[22WS - BA] Level Design Patterns for Competitive Multiplayer First-Person Shooters
[22WS - BA] Inclusion and Diversity in Game Development: Principles for Unbiased Design Decisions
[22WS - BA] Implementation of Low Cost Haptic Feedback Gloves for VR/AR- controlled Humanoid Robotic Body Interaction
[22WS - BA] Implementation of a location based game for elderly people using a virtual animal companion in augmented reality
[22WS - BA] Implementation of a Geometry Pipeline to Generate LoD for XR Applications with Programmatic CAD Representations
[22WS - BA] Implementation and Characterization of Commercial off-the-shelf Sensors for the Attitude Determination System of the MOVE-III CubeSat
[22WS - BA] Impact of a serious app using augmented reality, gamification and personalized suggestions on sugar consumption
[22WS - BA] Holographic Concepts for Aircraft Navigation - Implementation in a Mixed Reality Flight Simulator with a Head-Mounted Display
[22WS - BA] Game Engineering Principles: Fair Gamespaces for Competitive Multiplayer Games
[22WS - BA] From Assets to Game Worlds: Pipeline Engineering for Level Design
[22WS - BA] Formal Game Spaces for Artificial Intelligence in Games
[22WS - BA] Foreign Language Learning Using Augmented Reality Environments: A Systematic Review
[22WS - BA] FARm - A Serious Game Simulation on Pig- and Poultry-Fattening, Environmental Impact and Animal Welfare
[22WS - BA] Evaluation of two methods, swept frequency capacitive sensing and distance measuring, determining the liquid level of a drinking gadget.
[22WS - BA] Evaluation of the Impact of Augmented Reality in Conveying Cultural Heritage.
[22WS - BA] Entwicklung eines Serious Game zum Thema von "Orpheus und Eurydike"
[22WS - BA] Enhancing the Realism of a Virtual Reality Travel Application for the Elderly through Multisensorial Stimulation
[22WS - BA] Dynamic Pacing and Adaptive Challenge in Video Games
[22WS - BA] Dynamic Audio for Video Games
[22WS - BA] Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Game Engineering: A Practical Framework for Game Development Processes
[22 WS BA] Development of a User Friendly Content Creation System for the Stolperstein Memorial Augmented Reality Application
[22WS - BA] Development of a User Friendly Content Creation System for the Stolperstein Memorial Augmented Reality Application
[22WS - BA] Development of an App for Measuring and Analyzing Food Data in Retirement Homes with the Goal of Healthy Nutrition
[22WS - BA] Development of a Data-Oriented Gameplay Foundation System to Execute State Diagrams
[22WS - BA] Development of a Boss Design Tool in the Unity Game Engine
[22WS - BA] Developing a Wayfinding Support Framework for Virtual Spaces
[22WS - BA] Developing a Modular Agent Controller for 3D Games using Reactive Programming
[22WS - BA] Developing a Gamespace Analysis Toolkit for Competitive Shooter Games
[22WS - BA] Design Specification and Integration of Spatial Audio Events in Mixed Reality Applications
[22WS - BA] Designing a Location-based Music Game with AR Aspects for Elderly People
[22WS - BA] Design and Implementation of a System for Visualizing Common 2D and 3D Geospatial Data in a Real-Time 3D Engine
[22WS - BA] Design and Development of an Open-Source Conferencing Platform for Perceptual Manipulation in Online Experiments
[22WS - BA] Creating Engaging Game Spaces for Location-Based Games Using Procedural Content Generation and Real-World Models
[22WS - BA] Boss Board: A Tabletop Modeling Approach to Boss Engineering
[22WS - BA] Automatic Integration of Procedurally Generated Environments as Context in Automotive Design Experiences.
[22WS - BA] Augmented Reality in Chemistry Education
[22WS - BA] Assessment of Information from Depth of Field
[22WS - BA] AR-Escape: Evaluating the Impact of Augmented Reality on Escape the Room Systems
[22WS - BA] Anti-Cheating Measures in Video Games
[22WS - BA] Analysis of how different lighting conditions affect the performance of a visual heart rate detection algorithm (rPPG)
[22WS - BA] Air Traffic Obstacle Highlighting in an Augmented Reality Cockpit Environment
[22WS - BA] Agent-Based Modeling as Level Design Method for Balanced Gamespaces
[22WS - BA] Agent-Based Modeling as Game Design Method for Combat Balancing
[22WS - BA] Adaptive Quest Systems for Role-PlayingGames
[22SS - MP] Infiltrate the Castle
[22SS - MP] Evaluating the Effects of Augmented Reality in Serious Games: A DragonTale Case Study
[22SS - MA] Game Balancing: Fair Experiences in Competitive Multiplayer Video Games
[22SS - MA] Distributed Python Computation in Mixed Reality Environments
[22SS - GR] Calibrating a Spatial Augmented Reality Environment with Tangible User Interface Using an Embedded Optical Sensing System
[22SS - BA] The Language of Bosses: A Formal Framework for Game Engineering
[22SS - BA] Orpheus' Journey - Using Serious Games to Prepare for an Opera Visit of Monteverdi's l'Orfeo
[22SS - BA] Evaluation of the Impact of Augmented Reality in Conveying Cultural Heritage.
[22SS - BA] Developing a Virtual Reality Terrain Editor for the Godot Game Engine
[22SS - BA] Design Engineering of Metroidvania Games: Principles and Patterns
[22SS - BA] AR in Chemistry Education
[21WS - MP] Serious Game für Pflegeheimbewohner zur Motivation von ausgewogener Ernährung
[21WS - MA] Smart Game Worlds: Application of Hierarchical Graphs Generated from Scene Structures
[21WS - MA] Rule-based Semantical Enhancement of Two-Dimensional CAD’s in the Context of Building Plans
[21WS - MA] Quantifying Synchrony in Online Interactions as a Virtual Score and Testing the Effect of Varying Emotional Context
[21WS - MA] Pose Estimation of Augmented Reality Glasses via Deep Neural Network Ensembles
[21WS - MA] Pipeline for Integrating Localization ofOutdoor Points of Interest for an AugmentedReality Application
[21WS - MA] Nonlinear Perspectives in Augmented Reality
[21WS - MA] Investigation of Concepts to Improve Development of HMD based XR Applications Using Multiple Camera Approaches
[21WS - MA] Information Flow in Distributed Multi-Agent Systems as a Game Mechanic for Immersive Story Worlds
[21WS - MA] Evaluating Input Methods in VR forSpecial Education Teachers
[21WS - MA] Enhancing 3D Object Reconstructions with CAD Models for Visual Representations in Mixed Reality
[21WS - MA] Easy to Learn, Hard to Master: Tutorials for Challenging Games
[21WS - MA] Designing and Deploying a Mediating Conversational Agent to Connect with and Influence Virtual Conference Calls
[21WS - MA] Cultural Heritage Application of Trajan's Column Using Augmented Reality
[21WS - MA] Communication and Interaction Methods for Virtual Courses
[21WS - MA] Collaborative system for coordination and planning in large scale operations at the fire department
[21WS - MA] Automatic 3D label generation and pose estimation using neural networks.
[21WS - MA] Automated integration testing for virtual reality applications
[21WS - MA] Augmented Reality Game for Tracking Germs
[21WS - MA] Augmented Reality Game for TrackingGerms
[21WS - MA] Augmented Reality As a Tool – Development of an Intuitive Cross-Platform Framework
[21WS - MA] A Supporter - The Apple Watch as a Supportive Medium for Seniors
[21WS - MA] Artificial Intelligence Assisted Content Generation for Games Based on Hierarchical Graphs
[21WS - MA] An API for Merging Displays: Surface Expansion in Digitally Assisted Board Games for the Elderly
[21WS - MA] Aesthetic Graph Drawing of Complex State Diagrams
[21WS - GR] Virtual Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities
[21WS - GR] Synchronize with me: Exploration of Visually Captured Facial Cues in Virtual Conversations among Strangers
[21WS - GR] Exploring the IMGUI concept for graphical user interfaces in mixed reality applications
[21WS - BA] Web-based Augmented Reality as a Tool for an Extended Information Offer for Technical Exhibitions
[21WS - BA] Virtual Reality Systems for Serious Games on the subject of dive simulation
[21WS - BA] Virtual Learning Post Pandemic: Design considerations for Mixed Reality Solutions in Education
[21WS - BA] Variations of 3D Real-Time Avatar Creation for Virtual Office Collaboration Using Azure Kinect and HoloLens 2
[21WS - BA] Use Cases of Augmented Reality Applications for The Elderly
[21WS - BA] Travel application for elderly using Virtual Reality
[21WS - BA] The Combination of Physically Based and Deferred Rendering Algorithms for VR and AR Applications
[21WS - BA] Teaching Hieroglyphs with a Serious Game in VR
[21WS - BA] Study of the Effective Usage of Machine Learning and Augmented Reality for Support of Elderly People
[21WS - BA] Smart Drinking Gadget for Elderly People
[21WS - BA] Semi-Automatic Geometry Reconstruction from Scanned Legacy Floor Plans
[21WS - BA] Remotely Measuring Physiological Synchronization of Video Conversation
[21WS - BA] Procedural Generation of 2D Level Structures Based on Hierarchical Graphs
[21WS - BA] Preventing Cognitive Decline for Dementia Patients by using Mobile Game Applications
[21WS - BA] Motion Planning using Hierarchical Graphs and Localized Tessellation of Two-Dimensional Space
[21WS - BA] Mobile Serious Game for Elderly using Augmented Reality
[21WS - BA] Mobile Augmented Reality based User Guidance as a tool for Natural Feature Tracking Stabilization
[21WS - BA] Interactive Visualization of Complex State Diagrams for Optimal Developer Experience
[21WS - BA] Interactive 3D-Applications as Progressive Web Apps
[21WS - BA] Integrating Aspects of Presence into a Virtual Reality Shopping Simulation
[21WS - BA] Improving photogrammetric 3D reconstructionby Augmented Reality and Gamification based User Guidance
[21WS - BA] Improving nutrition and decision making in supermarkets using Deep Learning and Augmented Reality
[21WS - BA] Implementation of a Location-Based Game with AR Features for Elderly People
[21WS - BA] Implementation and Characterization of Commercial off-the-shelf Sensors for the Attitude Determination System of the MOVE-III CubeSat
[21WS - BA] Immersive Wayfinding for 3D Games
[21WS - BA] Immersive Voice Interaction for Real-Time Tactics Games
[21WS - BA] High Performance Programming: Development of a Gameplay Foundation System Component Based on Complex State Machines
[21WS - BA] Head nods, smiles and frowns: �Measuring how virtual agent can influence decision making by synchronizing with the user in a Social Deduction Game.
[21WS - BA] Head nods, smiles and frowns: Measuringhow virtual agent can influence decisionmaking by synchronizing with the user in aSocial Deduction Game.
[21WS - BA] GNSS-based personnel tracking and visualization in large scale emergency scenarios
[21WS - BA] Gaming for Elderly People - A Serious Game about Healthy Nutrition and Balanced Dieting
[21WS - BA] Experience your nutrient intake in Augmented Reality
[21WS - BA] Examination of the role of Game Mechanics in Serious Games via analysis of an underwater archaeology simulation VR Serious Game.
[21WS - BA] Enhanced Visual Augmentation for Maritime Rotorcrafts in the Near-Ship Environment
[21WS - BA] Enabling Seniors to Interact in Virtual Reality
[21WS - BA] Development of a Turn-Based Battle System for a Serious Game for Learning Japanese
[21WS - BA] Development of a Serious Game with Augmented Reality Elements to Promote Healthy Nutrition Choices
[21WS - BA] Development of a post-processing architecture for XR applications and implementation of post-processing effects
[21WS - BA] Development of an Augmented Reality Application for the Strategy Board Game Go
[21WS - BA] Development of a mobile system for the categorization of patients in mass casualty incidents in combination with visualization on a collaborative map
[21WS - BA] Developing a Serious Game about State Diagrams
[21WS - BA] Developing a Serious Game about nutrition
[21WS - BA] Developing a realistic Virtual Supermarket Environment and Gamification of the Augmented Virtuality Smartphone
[21WS - BA] Developing a Mobile App to Enhance the Psychological Well-Being of the Elderly
[21WS - BA] Design Principles Based on Game Elements to Support Wellbeing Demonstrated by a House Plant Care App
[21WS - BA] Concepts and Integration for Sharing Mixed Reality Content Across in Multi User Scenarios
[21WS - BA] Companion Guidance and Interactive Components for an Elderly-Friendly Virtual Reality Travel Application
[21WS - BA] Combined User Perception and Tracking Accuracy Effects in Handheld Augmented Reality
[21WS - BA] Cinematography and Aesthetic Camera Control for Video Games
[21WS - BA] Boss Engineering: Methods and Tools for Game Development
[21WS - BA] Automatic classification of 3D Model-Parts in architectural CAD and BIM models
[21WS - BA] Augmented Reality Serious Game for the Elderly
[21WS - BA] Augmented Reality Game in Superhuman Sports: 6-DoF Pose Estimation of a Drone Ball using OpenCV
[21WS - BA] Artificial Intelligence Assisted Level Design Analysis for Competitive Games
[21WS - BA] An Electronically Augmented Card Game for Autonomic Learning of Basic Nutritional Science for Senior Citizens
[21WS - BA] An Augmented Virtuality Approach to Enhancing the VR Experience by Integrating the Users Smartphone in the Virtual Environment
[21WS - BA] Adaptive Difficulty in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games to Create Optimal Experience
[21WS - BA] (Yulius Seliman) Travel application for elderly using Virtual Reality
[21WS - BA] (Mohamed Shalaby) Improving nutrition and decision making in supermarkets using Deep Learning and Augmented Reality
[21WS - BA] (Daniel Bamberger) - AR for Elderly
[21SS - MP] Revision of DragonTale - A Serious Game for Learning Kanji
[21SS - MA] Wearables and IoT-Based Applications in Elderly Care - MyCare: a Senior-friendly Apple Watch Application for Health Monitoring
[21SS - MA] Visual Configuration and Debugging of Distributed Applications
[21SS - MA] On the Trail of Jack the Ripper - A Serious Game about a Cold Case
[21SS - MA] Mathstation - A Serious Game for Mathematics
[21SS - MA] Development of an Emotion Engine for Games
[21SS - GR] Server supported User Guidance forphotogramic 3D Reconstruction
[21SS - BA] Porti ̧tei A - Development of an AR-Based Exhibition Guide
[21SS - BA] Interactive Wall Tracking System for Digital Sports Games
[21SS - BA] Inspector Dance: a Social Dancing and Deduction Game based on IMU Gesture Recognition
[21SS - BA] Game Design Principles for Multiplicative Gameplay
[21SS - BA] Dynamic Storytelling Based on Complex Graphs
[21SS - BA] Development of an Augmented Reality App for Stolperstein Memorials
[21SS - BA] Development of a High-Performance Engine to Execute Statecharts for Games
[21SS - BA] Development and Implementation of a Reusable Web-API for Online 3D Reconstruction
[21SS - BA] An AR Serious Game about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
[21SS - BA] A Calibration Tool to Establish Interpersonal Synchrony Using a Motion-Based Multiplayer WebAR Game
[20WS - MA] Semantic SLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks for Improved Surrounding Fusion in AR Applications
[20WS - MA] Identify vehicles in driver’s gaze focus region using Deep learning and Data fusion
[20WS - MA] Dynamic Difficulty Adaption for Serious Games
[20WS - MA] Development of an Elderly Friendly User Interface by Adopting Controller-based Navigation in a Virtual Reality Travel Application
[20WS - MA] Development and Evaluation of an AR User Interface for Robots
[20WS - GR] User Perception of Game Elements in Duolingo
[20WS - GR] Person-Independent sEMG Gesture Recognition Using LSTM Networks for Human-Computer Interaction
[20WS - GR] Ludus Magnus - An Open World Serious Game for Learning the Latin Language
[20WS - GR] LegionARius - Beyond Limes: Further development of a Serious Game about the construction of Roman military camps
[20WS - BA] Simplified Chess with a Basic Tutorial for Dementia Patients
[20WS - BA] Monitoring Hydration of the Elderly for Nursing Homes with an Gamified Application
[20WS - BA] Learning Japanese Kanji using Heisig Method through AR And Deep Learning
[20WS - BA] Interactive Simulation and Visualization of Molecular Structure Dynamics in Virtual Reality
[20WS - BA] Information Flow in Distributed Multi-Agent Systems
[20WS - BA] Game development for nutrition
[20WS - BA] Development of a Serious Game about Nutrition with Augmented Reality Features
[20WS - BA] Application of Spatial Information Derived from 3D Scene Structures
[20WS - BA] A Gamified Approach to Count Calories and to Monitor the Hydration Level
[20SS - MP] Shattered World
[20SS - MP] Oppidum
[20SS - MA] Software Design of a Dynamic AR Superhuman Sports Platform-Independent Architecture
[20SS - MA] Semantic Segmentation and Reconstruction of 3D Point Clouds using 3D Deep Learning
[20SS - MA] Point Cloud Registration of Tracked Objects and Real-time Visualization of LiDAR Data on Web and WebVR
[20SS - MA] A Mixed Reality Interface for Digital Twin Based Crane
[20SS - GR] Effects of Augmented Reality in a Serious Game for Learning Japanese Kanji
[20SS - BA] Testability of Probabilistic State Diagrams
[20SS - BA] Gameplay Analysis of Competitive Games to Support the Game Design Process
[20SS - BA] Game Design Principles for Story-Based Action Role-Playing Games Played without the Sense of Sight
[20SS - BA] Exploring Human-Building Interaction: Presenting Initial Frameworks for Home-situated Interactions
[20SS - BA] Evaluation of Different Control Techniques in a Mobile Jump and Run Game
[20SS - BA] Enhancing Inclusion and Innovation in Games Engineering
[20SS - BA] Dynamic Detection of Player Types and Adaption of Game Components for Optimal User Experience
[20SS - BA] Development of an Input Device Based on a Microcontroller with an Inertial Measurement Unit to Interact in Three-Dimensional Space
[20SS - BA] Adaptive Difficulty in Video Games to Foster Optimal Experience
[19WS - MP] AR-Table League
[19WS - MP] AR-Table City
[19WS - MP] AR-Plants-Vs-Insects
[19WS - MP] AR-A'maze'ing Reality
[19WS - MA] Procedurally Generated and Digitally Recreated Environments Designed for Interactive Content in Augmented and Virtual Reality
[19WS - MA] Evaluation of Rendering Optimizations for Virtual Reality Applications in Vulkan
[19WS - MA] Dynamic Difficulty Adaption for Serious Games
[19WS - MA] Development of Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Server Based 3D Reconstruction with Semantic Annotations in Industrial Scenario
[19WS - MA] Deep Learning based Sensor Fusion for 6-DoF Pose Estimation
[19WS - MA] Deep Learning Approach for Motion Control of a Physically Simulated Humanoid Avatar in VR
[19WS - MA] Deepfake Video Detection Using Deep Learning
[19WS - MA] Authoring Tool for Industrial Augmented Reality
[19WS - MA] Analysis and Visualization of Data Quality in Automated Production Systems - Conceptualization of Metrics and Implementation of a User Interface on a Lab-Demonstrator
[19WS - GR] Person-Independent sEMG Gesture Recognition Using LSTM Networks for Human-Computer Interaction
[19WS - GR] A survey of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with the purpose of fusing simulated inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor data.
[19WS - GR] Aesthetic Graph Drawing of Hierarchical State Diagrams
[19WS - BA] Working in VR - A web-based approach combining 2D and 3D interfaces
[19WS - BA] VR Re-Embodiment: Establishing a Control Structure to enable Physic-based Movement of the Human Body in Unity 3D
[19WS - BA] Virtual Reality Re-Embodiment of a Hand using Simulated Robotics
[19WS - BA] Ubi-Interact: Architecture for Programming Language Independent Interaction Modules
[19WS - BA] Simulating 2D Game Physics using dynamic Navigationgraphs
[19WS - BA] Optimizing Pens for Use as 3D Raycasting Interactables with Monocular 6-DoF Object Tracking
[19WS - BA] Interactive Storytelling and Emotions
[19WS - BA] Development of a Quiz-App for Mobile Devices to use with Dementia Patients
[19WS - BA] Development of a Collaborative and Mobile System to Enhance Overview during Catastrophic Situations as Assistance for Executive Officers
[19WS - BA] Dataflow Visualization for web-based Graph Editors
[19WS - BA] Analysis of Level Design Graphs
[19WS - BA] Acoustic Wayfinding Support in Real Environments without the Sense of Sight
[19WS - BA] Acoustic User Interfaces for Improving Situational Awareness
[19WS - BA]: Design and Implementation of a Process Chain for the automatic Generation of an Assembly and Maintenance Guide using Augmented Reality
[19SS - MP] 360-Tetris
[19SS - MA] Causality in 3D
[19SS - MA]: Development of a Smart LED Hula Hoop with Sensibility for Motion
[19SS - BA] wARgaming - Creation and Evaluation of an ARKit Interface for Tabletop Games
[19SS - BA] Smartphone-Assisted Virtual Reality Using Ubi-Interact
[19SS - BA] Implementation and evaluation of an AR remote guidance system using standard web technologies
[19SS - BA] Gamification for training purpose
[19SS - BA] Frame Marker Evaluation for mobile Applications with architectural Purpose
[18WS - MP] Sleepy Storm
[18WS - MP] HoloRPG
[18WS - MA] Exploration and Classification of State-of-the-art 3D User Interfaces in Virtual and Augmented Reality Scenarios
[18WS - BA] Procedurally generating parameterisable earth-like planets with adaptive level of detail
[18WS - BA] Development of a Game with Physiotherapical use with help of AR and VR Technologies
[18WS - BA] Design for Abstraction and Implementation of 3D User Interfaces with regard to Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications
[18WS - AP] IMU Sensor Fusion With Machine Learning
[18SS - BA] Turn-based JRPG combat mechanics in a Virtual Reality setting
[18SS - BA] Overview and Implementation for Modern Memory Management in Graphical Real-time Applications
[18SS - BA] Note recognition for a pick pattern trainer
[18SS - BA] Industrial application of virtual technologies for workplace related learning in the manufacturing industry
[18SS - BA] Implementation of a 3D painting tool for Skyboxes in Virtual Reality
[17WS - MA] A location-based serious game about the Studentenstadt Freimann
[17SS - BA] HoloRPG - Implementation of a Role-Playing Game in Augmented Reality with the Microsoft Hololens
[17SS - BA] Development of an Interactive System for Visualisation and Navigation of Complex Model-Based Development Data
[16WS - MA] Gamification - Learning IT-Security aspects
[16WS - BA] ATC as a Game
[16SS - BA] Development of a trajectory planning tool for a highly automated aircraft
[15WS - MP] Masterpraktikum Serious Games: Dragon Tale - A Kanji Game
[15WS - BA] User Identification in a Multi-Device Environment
[15SS - BA] Designing a Tangible MIDI-Controller for Multi-Touch Surfaces
[14WS - BA] Towering Defense: An Augmented Reality Multi-Device Game
[14WS - BA] Augmented Virtual Space: Visualizations in a Multi-Device Virtual Environment
[14WS - BA] Augmented Virtual Space: Interactions in a Multi-Device Virtual Environment
[14SS - MA] On-Site Mobile Augmented Reality by Means of Network Managed Architectural Design Content
[14SS - BA] Virtually Participating in Real Games from a Different Location
[14SS - BA] Unity3D as platform for Point & Click Adventures
[14SS - BA] Markerloses Tracking von Personen und Geräten im OP - Möglichkeiten und Ansätze
[14SS - BA] Interactive Schafkopf: Extending the Real Game with Virtual Players
[14SS - BA] Development of a driver interface for precise parking of wirelessly charged electric vehicles
[14SS - BA] Classification of AR Presentation Principles: Trends and Gaps in AR
[14SS - BA] A Web based Photogrammetric Camera Calibration Toolbox
[14SS - BA] Augmented Reality Tabletop Game
[13WS - MA] Parallel Tracking and Mapping in UbiTrack?
[13WS - MA] Below The Surface Exploration
[13SS - MA] Fast image fusion on foveated images
[13SS - BA] Repetition of MapInteraction2?.0 on an Android Device
[13SS - BA] Design and Development of a Mobile Indoor AR Application
[12WS - BA] Touch Floor - Investigation of a touch floor as input device in a virtual environment
[12WS - BA] Implementation and Evaluation of Motion-Based Input for a Volleyball Game
[12SS - MA] Smart-Phone Incremental Pose Tracking In Unregistered Environments
[12SS - MA] Modellierung der Gruppendynamik bei dem Einsatz von vorausschauender Fahrerassistenz
[12SS - MA] Evaluierung der Auswirkungen von Super Resolution auf die Tracking-Genauigkeit
[12SS - MA] Comparative Study of Path Variants for implicit Guidance in a simulated 3D Environment
[12SS - MA] 3D Magic Lens Implementation using a Handheld Device in a 3D Virtual Environment
[12SS - MA] 3D augmented virtuality sketching
[12SS - BA] Multitouch Keyboard Kinect basiert
[12SS - BA] Motivationsanalyse des Designs eines On-Board Systems zum Training für Ökologisches LKW-Fahren
[12SS - BA] Investigating Haptic Interfaces for Viewpoint Control Metaphors in Virtual Environments
[12SS - BA] Integrierte Erweiterung des User Interfaces einer existierenden Kartenanwendung und dessen benutzerzentrierte und iterative Evaluation
[12SS - BA] Implementation and Evaluation of Motion-Based Input for a Volleyball Game
[12SS - BA] Fog of Triage
[12SS - BA] Die Klassifizierung und Analyse von Darstellungsprinzipien in AR-Anwendungen
[12SS - BA] Animation von typischen Abläufen von Situationen in einem MANV in digitaler Kartendarstellung und darauf basierende Anforderungsanalyse mit dem ASB
[11WS - MA] Gestyboard 2.0
[11WS - BA] Entwicklung und Evaluation einer innovativen Texteingabetechnik für Tablet PCs die auf der Rückseite
[11SS - BA] Transfer in WPF und Erweiterung von existierenden Randbedienungskonzepten zur Selektion von Kartendaten auf einem robusten TabletPC?
[11SS - BA] Multitouch Gesten Leitfaden
[11SS - BA] Investigating Viewpoint Control Metaphors for hand-held devices in Virtual Environments
[11SS - BA] Increasing motivation for sports with the help of ubiquitous computing
[11SS - BA] Entwicklung und Evaluierung von verschiedenen Alternativen zur Emulation einer Mouse auf Touchscreens
[10WS - BA] Bachelorthesis: Implementation of a SVG-GUI-Builder in the Context of the SpeedUp-Project
[10SS - MA] Virtual Simulation of Multi-Camera Optical Tracking Systems
[10SS - BA] Integration of Markerless Tracking with Global Reference Frames
[10SS - BA] Development of a tangible multiplayer Tetris game on a Multitouch Table
[10SS - BA] Bachelorarbeit: Entwicklung einer Applikation auf einem Multi-touch Tisch zur Überblickslage in Großschadensereignissen
[09WS - MA] Tracking for augmented reality applications on mobile phones
[09SS - BA] Personalized Energy Measurment
[09SS - BA] Hand Tracking with the Wiimote
[09SS - BA] Controlling 3D objects by using a multitouch surface with gesture recognition
[08SS - BA] Maintenance Support Using Hybrid Displays
[07WS - MA] Integration of a Component Based Driving Simulator and Experiments on Multimodal (= Haptical and Optical) Driver Assistance
[07SS - MA] Precise Distance and Position Determination of Objects in the Driving Environment with Stereo Vision for various Applications
[07SS - MA] Identifizierung effizienter Nutzer von Augmented Reality Systemen
[07SS - MA] Efficient Visualization of Lighting Simulation Data
[06WS - MA] Display Technologies for Augmented Reality Support in Logistics
[05WS - MA] Spatial Context Management for Augmented Reality in Vehicles
[05SS - MA] Optical and Magnetic Tracking
[05SS - MA] Improving Augmented Reality Table Top Applications with Hybrid Tracking
[05SS - MA] Development and Evaluation of a Driver Assistance Concept for Speed and Lane Assistance
[05SS - MA] Analysis of Conceptual Differences and Similarities Concerning the Interaction with Physical and Digital Objects in Augmented Reality
[04SS - MA] Construction of Decentralized Data Flow Graphs in Ubiquitous Tracking Environments
[03WS - MA] Design of a Planning Tool for Port Placement in Robotically Assisted Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery

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