
Felix Mayer
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Linda Rudolph (@ge29tuw)
Submission Date:15.03.2024

With mobile devices becoming more and more powerful, the possibility of using them for Augmented Reality (AR) becomes more realistic. A big aspect of AR is marker detection, and Aruco marker detection represents a robust yet flexible solution. OpenCV is a commonly used library for image processing. Among other things, it provides a fast and reliable implementation of the Aruco marker detection. Combining this with Game Engines allows for easy integration in other applications. This thesis creates a way of integrating the OpenCV implementation of Aruco into Unity3D. Specifically it enables the marker detection and pose estimation with Aruco markers.


Results/Implementation/Project Description


Guthub Repo containg the code and supplementary Material:

The PDF of the Paper: