
Berke Atropat
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Nassim Eghtebas (@ga53xoy)
Submission Date:[created]


In a world where people regularly have digital interactions, specifically after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to examine the effects of asymmetric digital experiences. In order to allow more asymmetric experiments on the open-source video conferencing platform Experimental Hub, we improve all three user workflows that we defined for our platform: experimenter, participant, and developer. For the experimenters and the participants, we improve the existing workflows and redesign the screens by focusing on the important pages for the asymmetric features. Afterward, we update the front-end developer guidelines and include a section on the extension of the Experimental Hub with asymmetric features. Lastly, we implement the asymmetric view feature that lets the experimenters choose different views for participants. This creates a potential for participants to see themselves and the other participants in different locations and sizes on the video canvas. For comparison, we use a quantitative approach by counting the number of clicks for certain actions in the experimenter and the participant workflows. This comparison includes the implementation before our features, a user study conducted in the process of the implementations with various features implemented, and finally, the redesigned screens on Figma. As a result, we observe that the redesigns decrease the number of clicks by three clicks in the experimenter flow compared to the early implementation but increase by two clicks in the participant workflow due to the new pages and features introduced.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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