
With the LRZ web hosting service you may create your own website(s). The hosting infrastructure is taken care of by the LRZ web hosting team, allowing you to concentrate on creating and publishing your content.Our serviced web hosting service is PHP-based, meaning you will be able to run web applications like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Mediawiki, or LimeSurvey. Static websites are of course also possible.



Maintenance of database servers
The database servers for the web hosting will undergo maintenance on Thursday, April 11, 2024 between 7:00 and 7:30 h (AM). During this time, individual database servers will be unavailable for about 10 minutes.
The following database servers are affected by the maintenance: mysql-web1.sql.lrz.de, mysql-web2.sql.lrz.de, mysql-web4.sql.lrz.de, mysql.lrz-muenchen.de and mysvext2.lrz-muenchen.de

If your site uses one of the database servers above, it may be disturbed during the maintenance for about 10 Minutes. The MySQL version is updated from MySQL 8.0.21-12 to 8.0.36-28.


Switching the default PHP version from PHP 8.0 to PHP 8.1

The software PHP 8.0 that we provide does not receive security updates any more. Therefore, we will switch the PHP version of all sites that still use PHP 8.0 to PHP 8.1.

Scheduled time: Tuesday, 5 December 2023, morning

What does this mean for you? Please check your web application for compatibility with PHP 8.1 and upgrade it if necessary. Otherwise, your website might not operate properly after 5 December 2023. If you program the application yourself, use the migration guide.

If your site is already running with PHP 8.1 or higher, this information does not apply to you.


The access servers (webdev02…) now have a central Composer installation – /usr/local/bin/composer. We usually update it a few days after a release. If you need a certain / older version, you can still install it in your server directory.


Limitations for e-mails sent by web sites

An explanation of reasons, implementation and how a suitable sender address can raise the limit from 50 to 250 mails per 24 hours can be found on the new page in our documentation.

Available PHP versions: 8.1 (default), 8.2 

If you need more information on which service might fit your needs

In case of personal contact, we ask you to please describe your requirements as precisely as possible so that we can respond to your query swiftly and efficiently.

If you would like to request a website

Further aspects of our web hosting service