Policies für den Exchange-Dienst

General policies for LRZ mail servers

In addition to the policies for Exchange listed here, there are other Policies for the LRZ mail servers.

Storage quota

Employees have a storage quota of 3 GiB available for their Exchange mailbox, students 1 GiB.

You can find out the current usage level as follows:

  • In Outlook on the Web, by switching to the options (click on the gear wheel at the top right → "Options").

Black title bar Mail with icons. Left arrow in circle for back, Options. On the left a column of selection items. Shortcuts, expanded General, selected My account, another 8 items. Expanded Mail, two level hierarchy. Not unfolded Calendar. On the right, the main field. Clickable Save, Discard. Larger font, My account. Person and pen icon. Labels follow in 2 columns and below each mostly an input field. Most of them are empty. Left column of My Account. First name, Exchange. Initials. Last name, Team. Display name star, Max Mustermann. Email address, max.mustermann At lrz.de. Work Phone. Fax. Home Phone. Mobile phone. Right column of My Account. Street. City. State slash Province. Zip slash Postal Code. Country slash Region with selection field. Office. Clickable Change your password. Mailbox usage with bar showing 30 percent occupancy. Below, 988.24 MB used. At 3.00 GB you won't be able to send email.

  • In Outlook you can find out the current allocation by clicking on the "File" tab. If you also want to know how the allocation is distributed among the individual folders, proceed as follows (see the following figures): Right-click on the mailbox icon, then on "Data File Properties" and click on "Folder size" in the mask that now opens. This way you get another, smaller mask in which you can see your space allocation in the "Server data" tab at the "Total size" parameter.

Window section with the mailbox designation with the folders expanded. Above it the context menu of the mailbox with 10 items, the last and selected Data File Properties...       Window Outlook Today - Square bracket open, Max.Mustermann At lrz.de, Square bracket close, Properties. 4 tabs, selected General, Home Page, Policy, Permissions. After various entries, quite far down the button Folder Size... , below that another button. At the bottom right, 3 buttons OK, Cancel, grayed out Apply. Above this the Window Folder Size. 2 tabs, selected Local Data, Server Data. Folder Name, right Max.Mustermann At lrz.de. Size (without subfolders), right 0 KB. Total size (including subfolders), right 5402 KB. Box with move bar on the right, inside a table with 3 columns and 6 entries. The columns are called Subfolder, Size, Total Size. The 6 entries follow. Contacts, 26 KB, 81 KB. Deleted Items, 0 KB, 0 KB. Drafts, 0 KB, 0 KB. Inbox, 3916 KB, 3930 KB. Journal, 0 KB, 0 KB. Junk Email, 63 KB, 63 KB. At the very bottom right, Close button.

When you get to the limit, you will first receive a warning mail, if the memory usage continues to increase, you will no longer be able to send messages, and if the quota is significantly exceeded, you will no longer be able to receive messages.
However, if you run out of memory, you can move your emails in Outlook to another mail account (e.g. a local account on your computer) and archive them in a so-called pst file (in Outlook: click on the "File" tab, then on "Tools" and there select "Clean Up Old Items...").

Restrictions on sending emails

To prevent an unlimited number of spam mails from being sent in compromised mailboxes, the sending of emails is limited to a maximum of 250 recipients in a 24-hour period. Exchange distribution lists count as one recipient - in contrast to distribution lists created in Outlook in the "Contacts" section, where each member counts as one recipient. (See Exchange distribution lists)

When you reach this limit, Outlook will give you the following error email immediately after sending:

E-mail window. From system administrator. To blank. Subject, Undeliverable colon, Typical Outlook error message. The not very meaningful content follows. Your message did not reach some or all recipients. Subject, Typical Outlook error message. Sent, (date and time). The following recipient(s) cannot be reached, colon. Max Mustermann on (date and time). This message could not be sent. The client operation failed. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. Hyphen. Diagnostic information for administrators, colon. Hyphen. The error is, Square bracket open, 0x80004005-0x80004005-0x000501 Square bracket closed. Exchange response headers, colon. request-id, colon, (cryptic name). Other parameters.

Unfortunately, this message is not very understandable in Outlook - unlike Outlook on the Web (https://xmail.mwn.de), where you get the following notification in case of an error:

Window section. Below the right part of the title bar, a faded-in window. Attention icon. The following message could not be sent, colon. Typical Outlook error message. Clickable More details.

If you now click on "More details", you will get the following message: Window, in the header bar Send Attech, Discard, 3 dots. Marks the error message. Error colon. Your message can't be sent because you've reached your daily limit for message recipients. Please try again later. Below the error message important information from the mail header and the content.

If you need to send a large number of emails or emails to a large number of recipients, we can set a higher limit (500 or a maximum of 1,000 recipients per 24 hours) for your mailbox in justified cases. Please contact your respective Contact person.

Maximum mail size

As with all LRZ mail services, Exchange mails may be a maximum of 50 MiB in size (i.e. approximately 35 MiB per mail, since attachments usually have to be encoded for mail delivery).

Automatic junk email filtering

By default, emails suspected to be spam are automatically moved to the Junk Email folder. The filter is triggered by the value of the SCL = Spam Confidence Level (0-9), by default the threshold is 4.

As soon as SpamAssassin marks an email with "X-Spam-Flag: YES" in the header, a SCL of 8 is set by a transport rule. You can check this in the header of an email, there is then a "X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL: 8".

Unfortunately, it happens in rare cases that emails are wrongly classified as spam (false-positive). Therefore, it is important that you regularly check if there are any emails in the Junk E-mail folder. Also, you should empty the folder from time to time to save disk space.

Reporting emails that have been misclassified.

If an email has been misclassified, you can send it as an attachment to the corresponding email address (see table). This information can be used by LRZ administrators to train the spam filter.

Email has been moved to the junk mail folder
Email is spam(Haken)



Email is not spam




Disable Outlook client filter

To prevent Outlook's default spam filtering from sorting "good" emails into the junk email folder, we recommend turning off this spam filtering.

To do this, go to "Junk email" in the tab and click on "Junk email options" there.

Outlook window section. Selected Home tab. In the second command group selected Junk, below it the expanded submenu, the sixth and last item is selected and is called Junk E-mail Options...

In the beside dialog box select the option "No Automatic Filtering".

Window Junk Email Options - Max.Mustermann At lrz.de. 5 index cards, selected Options, 4 others. Icon folder with envelope with horizontal bar circle. Outlook can move messages that appears to be junk email into a special Junk Email folder. Choose what level of junk email protection you want, colon. 4 alternatives follow. Radio button selected. No Automatic Filtering. Mail from blocked senders is still moved to the junk Email folder. Radio button not selected. Low colon. Move the most obvious junkemail to the Junk Email folder. Radio button not selected. High colon. Most junk email is caught, but some regular mail may be caught as well. Check your Junk Email folder often. Radio button not selected. Save Lists Only, colon. Only mail from people or domains on your Safe Senders or Safe Recipients Lists will be delivered to your Inbox. 3 options follow. Empty box. Permanently delete suspected junk email instead of moving it to the Junk Email folder. The last option is dimmed. Empty box. Warn me about suspicious domain names in email addresses. (recommended). At the bottom right, 3 buttons OK, Cancel, Apply.

Safe Senders - Save Recipients - Blocked Senders

Also in the "Junk E-mail Options" you can personalize the filter for yourself. There you have the option to define sender addresses or domains as safe or blocked. In addition, recipient addresses or domains can also be treated as safe.

We recommend not using the setting options under the "International" tab.

Window Junk Email Options - Max.Mustermann At lrz.de. 5 tabs, Options, selected are the following 3, Safe Senders, Safe Recipients, Blocked Senders, Last International. Selected is Safe Senders. Email from addresses or domain names on your Safe Senders List will never be treated as junk email. A larger, empty field for the entries follows. To the right of it, below each other, the buttons Add..., Edit..., Remove, below Import from File..., Export to FIle.... Below that 2 grayed out options. Box with check mark. Also trust email from my Contacts. Empty box. Automatically add people I email to the Safe Senders List. At the very bottom right, 3 buttons OK, Cancel, grayed out Apply.

You can also make these settings with Outlook on the Web. Click on the gearwheel and "Options" in the upper right corner and there on "Block or allow".

Black title bar Mail with icons. Left arrow in circle for back, Options. On the left a column with selection points. Shortcuts. Not unfolded General. Expanded Mail with 4 expanded subitems, Automatic processing with 8 items, Accounts with 2 items, Options for attachments with one item, Layout with 7 items. Not unfolded Calendar. Under Mail, Accounts the first item is selected, Block or Allow. On the right the main field. Clickable Save, Discard. Larger font, Block or allow. 2 alternatives. Radio button not selected. Don't move email to my Junk Email folder. Selected radio button. Atomatically filter junk email. Larger font, Safe Senders and Recipients. Don't move email from these senders or domains to my Junk Email folder. 2 icons Pencil for writing, trash for deleting. Below that an input field, Enter sender or domain here. To the right of that a plus sign for Add, below that a larger empty box. Box with check mark. Trust email form my contacts. Larger font, Blocked senders. Move emails from these senders or domains to the Junk Email folder. As before 2 icons, input box with plus sign, larger empty box. Empty box. Don't trust email unless it comes from someone in my Safe Senders and Recipients list.

The settings are automatically synchronized between Outlook and Outlook on the Web.

Disable the server filter via Outlook Web App

If you do not want automatic filtering, you can turn it off at any time via Outlook on the Web.

Click on the gearwheel in the upper right corner and "Options". This will give you a vertical bar of options on the left. There click on the "Block or allow" option and then on the "Don't move email to my Junk Email folder" button.

Black title bar Mail with icons as before, only the first alternative is selected in the main field under Block or Allow. Selected radio button. Don't move email from these senders or domains to my Junk Email folder. The Safe Senders and Recipients and Blocked Senders sections.

No forwarding to external addresses with Outlook/Outlook on the Web.

Forwarding based on rules in Outlook or Outlook on the Web that point to external addresses will not be executed.

Forwarding to another address can only be set up via the respective portals:

See also Self Services of the LRZ (IDM Portal), section Forwarding.

In general, rules for " Forward" or " Redirect" - the Outlook terms - of a mail can also be set up directly in Outlook or in Outlook on the Web for internal addresses. However, this is not recommended because in both cases the mails are rewritten and not forwarded 1:1:

  • In the case of a " forward ", your address is used as the sender address and the original sender address - as well as any CCs - is only visible from the mail body.
  • With a " redirect " the sender address remains, but the CCs are suppressed - and you don't even see them in the mail body.

It is therefore recommended to set up forwardings via the self-service portals.

Forwarding to external addresses is not possible via the rules of Outlook or Outlook on the Web, because this type of forwarding can unfortunately lead to serious operational problems if the forwarding address is (or becomes) invalid. Then so-called mail loops can occur, with the risk that the respective provider blocks the LRZ mail servers and thus generally no more mail can be sent to this provider.

If you have created a rule for forwarding/redirecting to an external address that does not work, you will regularly receive corresponding notification mails.

Data backup

We back up your data several times a day and have taken some measures to ensure (practically) uninterrupted service. By the way, you can restore items you have deleted intentionally or accidentally on your own within 14 days (see also Outlook on the Web).