Important Information

Language Courses

If you do language courses at TUM registration for the language courses is done via TUMonline. Students who are not yet enrolled can not yet register for courses in TUMonline. However, they can check the Language Center website regularly, some courses may be offered later in the semester.

Students who did not give proof of German language skills will be given the additional requirement to within the first year of studies pass at least one module in which they earn German language skills integratively. E. g. this may be fulfilled by a German course of the language center or LMU within the general-education subjects. But also other certificates are accepted. The A1.1 level is sufficient for meeting the "Requirement Proof of Proficiency in German"/"Nachweis Deutschkenntnisse".

There are different offers for 'German as a Foreign Language'. During the semester as well as block courses in the end of each semester.

Link to the website of the language centers of TUM and LMU:

In case you do not get a place within one of the courses offered by the TUM language center, you also might have a look for other course offerings like: or

If you are taking a language course at a university or provider other than TUM, please send your certificate or "Schein" (LMU) to

Access to Libraries

For access to TUM library, please have a look at

Please note, access to e-media (e-books, e-journals, etc.) from outside the university network is via eAccess (, for which students need the TUM ID. Without a TUM ID, unfortunately, you can only access e-media with the PCs in the reading rooms of the library.

You can find your TUM ID within your tumonline account!

The e-access is only available after enrolment in the degree program, since media with costs are made available via this access.


In this section you will find news and relevant information related to your studies that we share with you from time to time. 
(Offers for PhD positions can be found in the showcases next to the dean's office in the physics building in Garching.)

You also might find interesting information on the Blog - TUM School of Natural Sciences - BayernCollab (


Dear QST Master students,

we are seeking two tutors for a voluntary 'Quantum Refresher' course that will be offered to incoming students joining the Munich QST Master Program in the fall.

The course will take place in the weeks 16.09 - 27.09.2024 (Mo-Fr in the morning), will be given by me (Björn Ladewig, coworker of Prof. Jan von Delft), and will be conducted via Zoom.

The course will include tutorials (2h/day), run jointly by me and two tutors. They should be QST-Master students and have passed both core courses (QIT, Q-Hardware), preferably with good grades. Tutors will get a contract for 40 hours (including preparation time), at a rate of (presumably around) 11,50 Euro per hour.

If you are interested in joining the team, please send an email to me until the 12.07.2024 at the latest:

Björn Ladewig <>

containing the following information:


Subject line: Quantum Refresher Tutor 2024

First name:
Last Name:
When did you start your QST Master studies?  Oct. 2022 or Oct. 2023
Grade for 'Quantum Information Theory':
Grade for 'Quantum Hardware':

A brief statement (< 3 lines) why you are suited for such a tutor job.


Below is some more information about the refresher course.

All the best,
Björn Ladewig


Dear MCQST Community,

Join us for an evening celebrating the intersection of art and quantum science! In a unique collaboration between MCQST and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, a series of short films has been created, each offering a distinct artistic interpretation of quantum science.

Date: 15.07.2024 

Time: : 7pm (admission starts at 6:30pm)

Location: ARRI Kino, Türkenstraße 91, 80799 München

Moderated by: Ralph Caspers (from "Sendung mit der Maus" and "Quarks")

Admission: Free (includes popcorn)

Registration & further details:

Feel free to forward the invitation with your colleagues, friends, and family!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,



International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
September 16 - 20, 2024 | Innsbruck, Austria


Dear MCQST community,

we would like to forward you the announcement of this this year's Arnold Sommerfeld School organized and hosted by MCQST members.
Feel free to share it with potential participants:
PhD and advanced master students, but more senior researchers are very welcome to apply as well.

Kind regards,

Dear Colleague,
we are happy to announce this year's Arnold Sommerfeld School on 

"Modeling strongly correlated electrons: Numerics, analytics, and quantum simulations"

It will take place at the Arnold Sommerfeld Center in Munich, Germany, during the period September 16-20, 2024. For more details, please consult the school webpage:


  • Monika Aidelsburger (MPQ Garching / LMU Munich)
  • Thomas Chalopin (Paris-Saclay / CNRS)
  • Dmitri Efetov (LMU Munich)
  • Simon Fölling (LMU Munich)
  • Antoine Georges (College de France / Flatiron) — TBC
  • Kaden Hazzard (Rice University)
  • Kathrin Levin (University of Chicago) — TBC
  • Steven White (University of California, Irvine)
  • Zoe Yan (University of Chicago)
  • Shiwei Zhang (William & Mary / Flatiron)

The deadline for application is August 4. We would be grateful if you could bring this announcement to the attention of potential participants.
Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, Michael Haack and Ulrich Schollwöck



In cooperation with the junge DPG, the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) announces a

*School for Master Students**

Collective Phenomena in Quantum Many-Body Physics: From Quantum Matter to Light

9 - 13 September 2024*

The school will take place at MPI-PKS, Dresden, Germany. More details can be found in the attached announcement and on the event's web page (including application form), at

We would be grateful if you could bring this to the attention of potential participants.
Best regards,
Marin Bukov, Pieter Claeys, Sabine Rockenstein & Roderich Moessner


Dear International Students,

we would like to inform you, that the call for the following scholarship (BESUD Scholarships for international students with a good knowledge of German) is going to open on 01.05.2024

SIST – LMU – BESUD- Stipendium

Best regards,
Catherine Botheroyd-Hobohm
Sozial- und Stipendienberatung / Social- and Scholarship Counselling
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten
Tel: +49 89 2180 9727


The Venture Lab Quantum is Munich's focal point for entrepreneurial action in quantum technologies, deep physics and semiconductor. Let's shape the future of technology together! Visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with our offerings.

The Venture Lab Quantum Fellowship program is a one-year entrepreneurship education program focusing on quantum technology to shape the next generation of quantum entrepreneurs. We offer founders associate internships, expert sessions, and an entrepreneurial project to kick off your entrepreneurial journey. You can learn more about the program and apply on the website.

Welcome Meeting

18.09-29.09.2023, QST Quantum Refresher Course, Zoom. For more information, please register here:

Communication will take place via slack (note that registration is optional, if you do not like to register on this platform please let the lecturer Dr. Björn Ladewig know):

For more information about the various SET activities, please look at the website of the departmental student council (in German called "Fachschaft")

For all, who are already QST students:

We would like to invite you to our get-together with the new students on Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. in front of the lecture hall 2 of the physics building at the TUM campus GarchingTo join this event, please register here:

The welcome event starting at 09:00 am is meant for the new intakes.

We are looking forward to meet you soon!

Best regards
Prof. Dr. Alexander Holleitner (TUM) & Prof. Jan von Delft (LMU)
Degree Program Coordinators

Dr. Marianne Köpf
Student Advisory Office

Academic and Examination Regulations

You can find information on the academic and examination regulation in the following document (Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung):

QST_Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung (download pdf, german)

The most important points are as follows:

  • You must attend the mandatory modules and at least pass one of the mandatory modules by the end of the 1st semester.
  • Academic progress check (“not more than one year behind“)
    - by the end of the 3rd semester: 30 credit points
    - by the end of the 4th semester: 60 credit points
    - by the end of the 5th semester: 90 credit points

    If you have not earned 120 credit points by the end of the 6th semester, you will have the last opportunity to earn any remaining credits in a 7th semester.

The following presentation contains some more detailed information regarding the program structure and the academic and examination regulations of your Master's degree program.

Curriculum and Choosing your Modules

Exemplary Curriculum

In the following file you will find an exemplary curriculum for each focus area. This curriculum is only an example! The curriculum is designed to be very flexible. The two focus areas are intented to help you with your subject-specific orientation, but you can choose freely from both focus areas regardless of your choice of focus area. Please note that some of the lectures mentioned in the example curriculum might not be available.

How to find the courses listed in the focus areas

Please go to Elective Courses - TUM School of Natural Sciences.

Please remember that the degree program is intended to have 30 CP per semester. You also can do less or more as you individually like. There is an academic progress check (for further information please refer to the pdf 'Academic and Examination Regulation' within the above section). For instance, you have to have gained at least 30 CP until end of third semester. Both mandatory modules are only offered within the winter semester. If you do not pass the first exams you can do the repeat exams once. If you do not pass one of the two mandatory modules you will get disenrolled by end of the second semester.

Note: If you would like to have new elective modules included in the focus areas, you might want to write an email to (subject reading "new modules QST") until (a) March 1, for the next following summer semester, (b) September 1, for the next following winter semester. Please include the ID, title and a link to the description of the module in question or the link to the LMU's LSF in your request. The examination board will evaluate the proposals. Accepted proposals will then be published at the beginning of each semester.

If you have taken modules at LMU that are not listed in the focus areas, you can send the LMU certificate (so-called "Schein") as a pdf to with the remark that you would like to have the module printed in your Transcript of Records in the category Additional Examinations.

How to register for the courses and exams

Since this degree program has modules from LMU and TUM the registration process is a bit more complicated than studying at just one of both universities.

Please follow the registration process as described:

>> for LMU-Modules (PH1010 and all modules starting with PH70XX):

For registration to the LMU courses, you need to be enrolled at LMU. You will be enrolled at LMU automatically after enrollment at TUM. However, this might take 2-3 weeks. Please check your email account for an email from LMU.

Register for lectures and exercises at LSF of LMU - so that you get all links, etc. to online lectures and exercises.
The LMU-registration period for courses is from 01.10.2023 - 19.10.2023.

As an example, for the registration of 'PH1010 Quantum Information' lecture go to the LSF-Single View than to 'registration period' and register there. Repeat that with the 'single view'-Website of the according exercise class.

If you have problems with late enrollment at LMU, please contact the lecturers directly so that they can grant you access to Moodle.

>> for TUM-Modules (PH1009 and all modules different to PH70XX):
The registration takes place via TUMonline ($ctx=lang=en), exclusively. Within your 'Study Status / Curriculum' go to the specific modules within 'Course Phase'. There, all modules are listed.

Click on the '+' of one of the modules. Then, two (or more) nodes are offered: one (or more) called offer node (courses - red triangle), another called exam node (exams - green dot). Open the specific node (going on '+' again) and click on the green arrow underneath 'Part' (Participation in course).

You have to register for the courses and for the exams separately. The registration for the courses is needed so you will gain access to moodle/zoom, etc.

The registration for the courses will be open at the beginning of the semester. The registration for the exercise classes is opened and organized individually by each course. So, please, check regularly for corresponding openings.

For exams, there are regularly two time periods for module exams at TUM. The first follows immediately the lecture period, the second is just before the lecture period of the following semester begins. The exact dates for the current and following semesters are given on the former Website of the Department of Physics:
Please keep in mind that there might be small deviations and possibly different dates in other departments.


Please register for all exams you want to take - including those at LMU - exclusively via TUMonline! 
There is no registration for any of the modules done automatically. You have to register by yourself. If you do not register, you cannot take part in the examination.

Language of instruction

If the module description states 'English or German' the language of instruction is English if one of the students is not familiar with German. If the module description states 'German' the course will be offered in 'German'. If it states 'English' it will be offered in 'English'.

How to choose your mentor

On the following website you get some more information about the mentor system and also a list of mentors for your degree program:

Information event on the research phase - "How to Get Through the Research Phase in QST"

The next information session on the research phase will take place at the beginning of the lecture period of the summer semester 2024. The information on this will be published here in the wiki in mid-March. In the mean time you can find information within the moodle course on the research phase:

Advanced Practical Training (APT)

The Advanced Practical Training (APT) involves completing a selection of tasks offered and supervised by the experimental and theoretical research groups participating in the QST Master’s program. The APT offers opportunities for gaining some familiarity with the research interests of the associated research groups, thus facilitating future decisions regarding choices of specialization or topics for Master's theses.

Depending on its topic and scope, a task is worth either 1 or 2 units. The corresponding contact hours are 10 hours and the total workload are 30 hours per unit. Students have to complete tasks with a combined value of 6 units. At least 2 units must stem from experimental tasks (EX) and at least 2 from theoretical ones (TH).

For each task, introductory material will be made available in the form of notes or references to pertinent books or publications. Supplementary material will offer guidance for executing experimental or theoretical tasks. Supervisors will offer assistance where needed. Some tasks can be performed only individually, others also in groups of two or three students.

Every task involves four parts:

1.     Preparation – studying introductory material.
2.     Execution – performing an experimental or theoretical task.
Report – summarizing the main methods and results in writing.
Discussion – answering questions posed by an examiner.

The module is examined by a laboratory assignment in form of a pass/fail requirement consisting of three to six tasks. Depending on its topic and scope, a task is worth either 1 or 2 units. Students have to complete tasks with a combined value of 6 units. At least 2 units must stem from experimental tasks and at least 2 from theoretical ones.
Every unit involves four parts:

    1. Preparation (insufficiently prepared participants may be rejected due to safety reasons).
    2. Execution (20 %).
    3. Report (5-10 pages, 60 %).
    4. Discussion (duration: 15 minutes, 20 %).

The offer of experiments will be published on our website:

Going Abroad

If you want to go abroad for one or two semesters – at TUM and LMU we support you and offer you a variety of possibilities. Please find an overview on our TUM NAT website:

Most important: to have a successful experience abroad and make the most of it, you have to start preparing it on time. Dr. Maria Eckholt, our Academic Advisor for Internationalization, will be happy to assist you.

And follow her Blog TUM.PH International, if you would like to stay up to date on international affairs at the Physics department and TUM.

Student Advising

Student Advisory Office:

Dr. Marianne Köpf

You may book an appointment via Moodle:  Course: Consultation Hours QST/BEMP (

Contact Students

Marvin Scholz ( will substitute for Aaron Anhalt and Niklas Zischka

These are the links to the QST Master student groups. Students can ask questions, give feedback, and organize activities here. The groups are organized privately.



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