
Markus Gumbart
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Sandro Weber (@no68tap)
Submission Date:[created]


The project aims to realize an innovative approach to enhancing viewer interaction in live-streams by adding a naturally embedded companion and assistant of the streamer. For this, the virtual pet Petricia is developed in the course of this project. Petricia is a combination between standard virtual pet, live-streaming viewer-entertainment feature, and artificial intelligence (AI), incorporating several different directions of modern digital entertainment. The design of the pet is centered around the general ideas and goals of augmented reality (AR). One such goal is the enhancement of the user's perception of and interaction with the real world by superimposing the virtual upon the real world as naturally as possible and in real-time. To achieve naturalness in Petricia, the system makes use of the capabilities of modern AI by outsourcing the decision-making process of reacting to chat messages to ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a deep-learning-based large language model by OpenAI, even capable of representing diverse characters and personalities as shown throughout the thesis. The personality of Petricia is defined through the Big Five personality model, a personality-trait-theory summarizing the human personality as the combination of five major traits and the extent of their respective representation in an individual. Petricia is not designed to represent only one specific personality, however, but any given set of trait values chosen by the streamer. The extent to which this is achieved in this project is tested and documented within the thesis.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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