
Levente Balázs Csik
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


The theory of spatial concepts was created by Henry Lefebvre who organized the world as a production of spaces. Lefebvre introduces three spaces that altogether produce the space of the world. This theory then was introduced to the game development industry by Espen Aarseth who claimed that games can also be understood as spatial concepts. Since then, researchers have aimed to find out whether the components of games could be spatial concepts as well. Espen Aarseth discussed the relationship between space and narrative in his book Ludotopia. He writes about the different narrative techniques and the narrative power of a space. This thesis aims to discuss whether the narrative could also be understood as a spatial concept. To investigate the question, theoretical research should be followed by a practical experiment with a tool for narrative development. The tool was implemented for Unity 3D Engine and it is capable of handling a story graph and it can map the nodes to their place in the game space.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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