
Michael Sodamin
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Linda Rudolph (@ge29tuw)
Submission Date:[created]


Recent advancements in Mixed Reality (MR) technology, particularly in business applications, have sparked renewed interest among corporate leaders in experiencing content with this technology. This research leverages these technological strides to develop an MR experience specifically designed for the Celonis Executive Briefing Center (EBC). The goal is to educate business leaders about Celonis and its most recent innovative technology, Object-Centric Process Mining (OCPM). OCPM, known for its complexity, presents a unique challenge in terms of conveying its principles and advantages effectively and interestingly. The study introduces a narrative highlighting and interactively illustrating the key benefits of OCPM with real-world analogies and representations. The experience was built using Unity and deployed on the Meta Quest 3, featuring video passthrough, hand-tracking, and room scans. It is intended to pique interest, foster a deeper understanding of the topic, and improve the EBC visit overall. The prototype is tested through a formative study, targeting both potential Celonis buyers and the company's staff, to assess the potential future of this installation. As of the time of writing this abstract, the prototype has already generated significant enthusiasm and engagement among key stakeholders, especially through its natural interactions. There are plans to integrate it into the EBC's regular agenda.

Additional Information

Feel free to reach out to me e.g. via LinkedIn if you are interested in more information and discussions.

Trailer Video

Detailed Walkthrough

