Author:Alexander Williams Supervisor: Prof. Gudrun Klinker Advisor: Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub) Submission Date: [created]
Doors, though a common element of everyday life, are also frequently brought up with regards to their complexity in game development. This thesis seeks to explore the topic by defining the functionality and analysing the behaviour of doors both in general and with specific examples from existing games, as well as examining how doors may im- pact different features of game engines. This knowledge is used to conceptualize and create an implementation of a generalized door asset in the game engine Unity, capable of exhibiting the discovered behaviours. The asset has a modular structure, and includes modules aiming to handle various aspects of analysed game engine features. Finally, the implementation is evaluated by using it to create custom door set-ups made to represent the previously analysed sample doors.
Results/Implementation/Project Description
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