
Martin Hubert Schacherbauer
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


Player paths are a central design paradigm for video games. Due to video games being interactive, people's interpretations of the things they see differ, and people can also act on the game world in different ways, resulting in many paths players take. In this paper we look at common terms' definitions regarding player paths by reviewing literature using said terminology. After analyzing current workflows used in the video game industry by watching presentations at game development conferences, we propose a framework which supports developers who use player paths as a central design paradigm. This framework is based on the usage of graphs and is completely independent of the functionality of the graph in the video game. The framework uses parts available in game engines, making it possible to use in any development environment. Last, we also demonstrate the tool's functionality via a prototype of the framework in Unity.

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