
Thomas Torggler
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:David Plecher (@ne23mux)
Submission Date:[created]


The Stolperstein project by Gunter Demnig is the largest decentralized memorial in the world. With more than 100,000 laid stones and many more in planning it aims to be a reminder of the countless people who fell victim to the NS regime and its brutal practices. Despite the good intentions behind the project it does face criticism of various kinds, be it the lack of interaction or that they are not conveying enough information about the people they are dedicated to. To counteract these flaws our Stolperstein Augmented Reality application attempts to make the stones more interactable by incentivizing the user to seek them out with a dedicated navigation system and letting them scan the stone with their Android devices using an object detection algorithm. To support the AR app with the necessary information we set up a relational database that can be accessed and edited by authorised users through a frontend data manager that was designed with the goal of being intuitive and user friendly. The work presented in this paper serves as an expansion of a project started in 2021. Here we will explore the process of developing such an multifaceted project using multiple frameworks in detail and discuss the challenges that needed to be overcome.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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