
Stella Elisa Koschnike
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Christian Eichhorn (
Submission Date:[created]


The following thesis aims to develop a neural network interacting with user interfaces to encourage patients to improve their drinking behavior through individual reminders. At the same time, it is intended to support medical personnel by taking over this task. To this end, a suitable data set was first developed to train the neural network. This also included the conceptual development of patterns based on which reminders are sent. In addition, user interfaces were developed for both target groups, patients, and medical staff. The neural network can provide suitable support for monitoring and improving drinking behavior. Initially, a small data set was used, limited to one patient's behavior. The neural network can be trained with larger data sets incorporating other drinking patterns in the future. In hospitals and other care facilities, using neural networks in conjunction with user interfaces can contribute to a positive change in drinking behavior. Reducing the workload of medical staff allows more time for other tasks and reduces the mental load.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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