
Tim Brüggemann
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Linda Rudolph (@ge29tuw)
Submission Date:[created]


Since the conception of Augmented Reality (AR), information visualization researchers have been eager to explore the many possibilities of 3D data representations in immersive environments. However, while very enthusiastic initially, the pursuit of AR as a tool for abstract data visualization quickly subsided, primarily due to a lack of user acceptance and the limitations of technology at that time. However, with the rise of Industry 4.0, the advancing digitization of data, and the progress of AR technologies, it is timely to reconsider the value of 3D representation for abstract data visualization. The goal of this thesis is to examine and compare two data visualization methods for diagrams, namely a traditional 2D representation of a diagram on the screen of a mobile device on the one hand and on the other hand the placement of an image plane containing the diagram as an AR-element in a 3D immersive scene. Therefore, a prototype was developed to examine the feasibility of the two methods, both in regards to technical realization and user acceptance. The subsequent user study has shown mixed opinions, presenting many advantages and disadvantages for both methods. While the 2D visualization offers quick and easy macro navigation through a diagram, the AR visualization provides more effortless and intuitive navigation through micro sections. The main hurdle in this comparison is the fact that the 2D visualization is already well established and ever present in our daily lives, which influenced the opinions of many participants. With the shift in demographics and children coming in contact with AR at much earlier ages, this remains an interesting topic in need of further investigation in the future.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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