
Ivan Rozhdestvenskii
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


As the game industry evolves, it presents advancements in different fields, contributing to an immersive gaming experience. However, despite the rapid developments, the key focus of this research is the often-overlooked irreplaceable component in various digital game worlds: the gaming door. This paper aims to bring attention to the gam- ing door, presenting exceptional design challenges and opportunities for enhancing player interaction and experience. This research emphasizes the importance of gaming doors, addressing key aspects such as design complexity, player interaction mechanisms, smooth transition processes, artificial intelligence interaction, and the visual challenges and opportunities they present. Furthermore, it proposes solutions in an algorithmic form, offering concrete responses to sensitive questions about gaming doors. By explor- ing these elements, the study highlights the significantly underestimated role of doors in gaming and encourages for a deeper understanding and improved implementation of this fundamental game element. Additionally, the research aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the context of gaming doors. It offers accessible methods for creating more immersive and interactive doors within game worlds. In doing so, the paper also discusses the bounding between game design and player perception, shedding light on how doors can influence gameplay mechanics and narrative elements. All in all, this comprehensive survey aims to perceive the gaming door as an irreplaceable element of the gaming world for the game experience.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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