
Lukas Moersler
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:David Plecher (@ne23mux)
Submission Date:15.09.2023


This paper presents an interactive simulation of Konrad Zuse's Z3 computer in a Virtual Reality environment to give users the full experience of working with this machine. It details the creation of the project in various aspects, documents findings from developing and working with it, and evaluates how effective it is as an educational tool, both in terms of teaching users about the Z3 itself and concepts of low-level programming.

Project Description

The Project implements a simulation of the Z3 with the primary goal to create an experience as faithful as possible to that of working with the real machine. Various interfaces facilitate the user to write and manage programs for the machine and provide further information about it.


The machine is simulated on an algorithmic level, meaning that, while the relays making up its registers are abstracted as integers, all the algorithmic steps that the machine takes to work out results are recreated accurately. A 3D model of the machine was constructed by hand from reference photos and plans from the internet. The VR interface provides different stations in the 3D scene to allow users to write programs, punch them into film stock by hand, save and load them for later use, and compile them into "Metaprograms". All of these systems are introduced through an interactive tutorial, which shows users through them one at a time.


Evaluation through playtests has shown the introduction system to be effective in conveying how to operate the Z3, as well as some basic concepts of low-level programming. Playtesters also indicated interest in some form of public release for the project. The project has lots of potential for future work, both in refining the existing interfaces as well as adding new interesting and helpful features.

