
Hatem Elsayed
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Christian Eichhorn (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


Decubitus ulcers, commonly known as bedsores, develop due to extended pressure on specific skin regions, restricting nutrient and oxygen supply, which can result in skin death. Especially common in immobilized patients, these ulcers, if untreated, can lead to serious complications. While patient repositioning is a standard practice in clinics, the continued prevalence of decubitus points to shortcomings in continuous, non-invasive monitoring and specialized feedback systems. The shortage of skilled clinical and nursing personnel further complicates the matter. This research introduces a novel solution, utilizing sensor technology to enhance early decubitus detection and prevention. The designed system leverages a matrix of cost-effective and slim Force Sensing Resistors (FSR) to create an embedded pressure mapping matrix, offering unobtrusive, continuous, and contactless monitoring. An electrical circuit provides a filtered analog signal to a microcontroller. Given inherent inaccuracies, digital signal processing and calibration are embedded within the microcontroller. This data is relayed to a central system on a Raspberry Pi, displaying a user interface that pinpoints pressure zones, offering caregivers instantaneous patient data. Accompanying mechanical structures manufactured from materials including silicon and 3D printed materials ensure the sensors are stable, comfortable, insulated, and correctly positioned. The system underwent user and robotic force-controlled evaluations to assess performance and compatibility. Its modular design not only makes it economical but also environmentally friendly by allowing module reuse, potentially cutting down e-waste. This system holds promise for both clinical environments and, in the future, Active/Ambient Assisted Living homes or domestic settings.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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