
Leonie Wargitsch, Matthias Mitschele, Felix Bartossek
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:David Plecher (@ne23mux)
Submission Date:[created]


Serious Games have been proven valuable as a tool in multiple areas of application. They can be used to educate players about a certain topic and, as we will show in this paper, can also be useful to prepare viewers of an opera about it's contents.

To have a better viewing experience when watching an opera, it is often important to be educated about the story behind the performance. We improved a point-and-click adventure serious game called Orpheus' Journey by Leonie Wargitsch, covering the contents of Monteverdi's opera l'Orfeo, which aims to convey the ancient legend of Orpheus and Eurydice in a more engaging way by utilizing interactive elements. We will describe the structure and elements of the game, in addition to the improvements made since the last version, including new music-sequences, visual elements, as well as dynamic music of the opera that reacts to events in the game


The full implementation can be found here.


Special focus of the live-demo was Orpheus' way out of the underworld, which presents the climax of the game and is accompanied by special visuals and original music.

The following video showcases it:

