In this manual we show you, how to get a role in TUMonlne. 


Related topics

  • The allocation of a role is documented in an application form and then signed by the applicant, the TOB and the head of the unit.

  • The user's corresponding right is now shown as a link on the unit's contact information page in TUMonline or it appears on the user's contact information page. 

  • The TOB assigns the right within TUMonline.


Why were my TUMonline roles deactivated?

This could be a system-related issue. Roles are automatically terminated when the relationship with TUM ends.

If the relationship with TUM is on a very short-term basis and if the request for an extension is submitted to the personnel department only after the previous contract ended, the system automatically registers the relationship as ended, thus terminating the role. Once the new relationship is entered into the system, your employee status is reactivated.

Role rights must be reassigned by the responsible TUMonline administrator.