Dear all

Thank you for using our newsfeed. You will help us if you consider the following:

Category selection
There are two categories to choose from for your posting: Website and/or Social Media.
Important: For the Website category, you can only make one selection.

Your content
Please understand that we cannot do any text editing. We only put the content online according to your request. Please design your texts accordingly. 
If you want to publish your content bilingually, we ask you to provide the texts in German and English.

Image rights
Please make sure that when using pictures, the picture rights are with you. We do not take any responsibility here!

Thank you for your support!

Please fill out the form below. Thank you very much!

Category *

The following categories are available for your content.

Please select your appropriate format.

Social Media

Please select the appropriate social media platform(s) if you want your message to be published there as well. If so, please add the text for social media as well.

Title *

Teaser | optional | max. 2 - 3 sentences

Newstext *

Attachment (optional)

Contact e-mail address

Please complete the captcha.

Required *