
Moersler, Philipp
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Eichhorn, Christian (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


This work implements the LucidVR haptic-feedback virtual reality glove for the purpose of using it as an interface to control humanoid teleoperated robots in a medical setting. The glove is first replicated according to prototype 4 of the open-source LucidVR project and then modified to suit the proposed use case better. The modifications include the introduction of a hygiene concept in form of replaceable sterile over gloves and their attachment points, weight reductions by removing the haptic and tracking components of the ring and little finger which also freed up space on the backside of the glove to attach the microcontroller to. Moreover, a virtual environment is built inside the Unity3D engine to serve as a demonstration ground for the medical use case. This Unity3D scene is then used as an environment to conduct a survey wherein 15 participants are asked to use the haptic glove as well as a conventional VR controller to interact with different small objects as well as a dummy patient inside a hospital setting. The survey found the finger tracking capabilities of the glove very precise and fit for the purpose while the haptics improve upon interactions but fell short of providing additional sensory information like object size or increased perceived realism of the virtual environment. The main shortcoming of the glove seemed to be the fact that it will only fit the specific hand size it was built and calibrated for well enough to function at its full potential. Overall, however, most subjects preferred the haptic glove over the conventional VR controller.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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