
Ehaus, Leon
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Liedtke, Sven (@ga73gop)
Submission Date:[created]


Like many other areas of work and life, the fire and rescue services are subject to progressive digitalization. In addition, large scale emergencies have become more frequent in recent decades. Emergencies of such magnitude result in an increased workload for the emergency forces. In order to handle such an operation efficiently, a hierarchical management structure consisting of operative and executive personnel is established. In addition, predefined procedures are trained and used. The common concept is triage, in order to be able to use the available resources effectively. This is accomplished in the Munich rescue service area with the help of the mSTaRT-Algorithm as part of the pre-triage process. Simultaneously, information is recorded on an analog situation map of the incident area for the management of the operation by the executive staff. This thesis aims to expand a system that digitally supports this process by forwarding information more efficiently than previously possible. An application is developed that helps the triage teams to classify patients into triage categories based on the mSTaRT-Algorithm. The resulting data is displayed on a digital map. The entire process consisting of data collection, data transmission, and visual representation on the digital map was implemented during the project. Finally, possible continuations of the project are presented.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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