(FBI warning: Commercial secret by Qoogle)

Background Story

In the cyberpunk era, the first super robot is created by the Qoogle( google ?) company. The term "super robot" was first defined by a game development team by TUM in 2022 and it describes a kind of robot which can learn from everything in the surrounding environment. But different with those artifitial intellegent robot at that time, super robot has something more powerful. If you are old enough and maybe were born in early twenty first century, you might have heard of or watched the movie "transformer". So at least you can image that super robot is like transformer with powerful weapon and independent thought. But it is just from your imagination. You never know the fact until the moment you face to it in real world, because super robot has unlimited potential power.

Terrorism has been the world biggest enemy in the past thirty years. They occupied majority of the cities and even some capitals of some nations were lost. In order to fight back, super robot was created and put into actual combat.  And this story is about the adventure of the first super robot.  It is the first day the super robot comes into being, and also the first day when the terrorism break in the research center of Qoogle. 

Keyword concepts of the game

  • Deck build and card game 
  • turn based ,strategy game 
  • cards are only got (duplication idea) from enviroment or enemies (different with other card games)

Card design

Every card has these properties as follow:

  • Card name
  • Introduciton (background story, from which enemy or environment, how is the effect like)
  • Rarity (The rarer a card is, the more cost-effect it has and the more time it takes to learn and duplicate )
  • Cost (cost energy, health or precondition)( ps : what does health mean to robot? lol ) 
  • Type (range or mele. active or passive ......)
  • Range and target (for robot itself or for enemy or enemies)
  • Photo (better to have)
  • Effect (damage, regen, buff or defuff....)
  • Speed? (It decides the order when resolving the cards (0-10?))

Example 1:

Card name : move left

Introduction :  If a creature cant walk, its brain must be underdeveloped. If a robot cant walk, its programmer must be learning python now. (like this, try to explain the card as funny as we can)

Rarity: common (obviously)

Cost : nothing

Type : Active,Mele

Range and target: one grid and robot itself

Photo: an arrow pointed left?

Effect : move robot left one grid 

Speed: 5

Example 2:

Card name : Cannon on prosthetic limb (Mega man)

Introduction :  The blue Mega Man is the treasure of my childhood memory. (cry loudly)

Rarity: SR or epic

Cost : 3 energy

Type : Active,Range

Range and target: unlimited on a line, one enemy 

Photo: imagine it urself

Effect : Deal 5 damage on the first target on the choosen line

Speed: 8

Robot has?

Health, Energy (after each fight filled up or not)


Some plugins/ hardware ( like the equipement of some game which brings permanent effect)

learning slot (only one at the beginning and can be more in the later game?)

Enemy design

Animal?(in tutorial)



cyber half man (all kinds of)

biochemical weapon(zoooooooombie)

another super(but not so super) robot

Level design

path choosing, (like slay the spire) 

there will be fight, event, elite fight, boss......(no store because card only got from "duplication")

At the begining there is a tutorial, showing how to play and let player get the basic deck (move and basical attack) (The idea can be : learn from the sheep or pig. )

Fight sence

(turn base?)

fight on a grid map(like this, but with some enviroment as obsticals?)

At the beginning of each fight, draw 5 (or other num) cards from deck. Each turn play one card (or multiple if possible) and every enemy play one card (AI using ML?). Then player decide if he wants to duplicate that card. If so, then check the learning slot, if the learning slot is full, then replace it. After the decistion of duplication. Resolve each card with the order of speed. if the speed ties, player acts first?(Love from the development team). At the end of the turn, discard all the cards( or keep some if possible) and deal from deck, if deck doesnt have enough cards, shuffle the discard deck and mix it with the remained draw deck.

Addtional Info about the gameplay

Card can be put into the learning slot for leveling up?

learning slot is using to duplicate card, and the time can be calculate based on turn or (10-min) where min is the minimum card speed played in a turn.

The thing is, because it is a deck build strategy game, so player needs to consider to take or give up when a new card can be learnt (duplicated). For example there is a rare card in the slot and just need one turn to unlock ,and at that time a super rare card shows up and can be duplicated. So player should consider for the current interest or future development. And it is not the case that the more cards in the deck, the better it is. Because common card may be less powerful in the future fight and will take some possibility of drawing a rarer and more powerful card.

Some super funny idea !!!!

robot can learn from tree for photosynthesis ( waste one turn and restore energy)

robot can learn to use Threading(or Multicore process) for adding a learning slot

There can be some problem like dead lock, lagging, leakage,get hacked, out of memory error .....( In event or some debuff)

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