The Custodian

Team members:

Zixiang Wang

Mingyang Li

Anil Celik Maral

Tatev Tsokolakyan



Final game version:

Source code:

Task Sheet:

Game Idea



Interim Demo

Custodian by Qoogle - 3. Interim Demo.pdfInterim demo.pdf

Alpha Release

Custodian by Qoogle - IV Alpha Release.pdf


Final Release

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12 Kommentare

  1. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga48lep) sagt:

  2. Achim Bunke sagt:

    Pro: I like the idea of also having to move around. This gives a new challenge for the player.

    Con: I cannot really see the reason of RTS in this game. If you have to much time between moves its not really RTS anymore but if you only have a short amount of time it might either result in a contest of speed (Just play whatever card to not waste unused energy) or when the player has learned and is fast then its just an TBS with a timer.

    Suggestion: The RTS aspect should be more than just a 'Its not a TBS game' feature. But for me its hard to come up with specific ideas for that (Lächeln)

  3. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge79vih) sagt:

    Pro: I like the duplication of a card with a cost, that a rarer card which I assume is more powerful would also take more time to duplicate and use.

    Con/Concern: I like the idea of it being a TBS, but I am concerned how quick you would need to be to make it an RTS

    Suggestion: A TBS with a time of diminishing length per turn as the level goes on would be more playable I would imagine but I'm excited to see how you go about its development.

  4. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge56kib) sagt:

    I really like deck building games and I think you've come up with a cool new twist.

    I'm just a little worried that your game might get too complicated. I think two values ​​would be enough, since armor can be substituted with health and the size of the deck usually ballances itself because you don't draw the cards you want.

    My suggestion would be to introduce symbols to your card effects. "Legends of Runeterra", for example, uses symbols with keywords on their cards and, due to that, you know the most important properties of a card right away.
    Therefore, try to explain these key symbols/words and don't make to many unique cards. That could cause confusion and frustration in a intentionally fast-paste game. I wish you success!

  5. Fabian Nadegger sagt:

    Pro: Love the Idea of having cards for the players every movement and action, i think this has lot of potential in combining different cards

    Con: I did not yet really grasp the functionality of how TB and RT are intertwined with one another and what actions happen in Real Time compared to the Turn based actions. For the player in the end it should be clear how these two systems work with one another and which mechanic follow which system

    Suggestion: Focus on the cards and duplication mechanic and don't lean to heavy in the two time systems, if it works great but i think you should not hold on to the two systems if it doesnt feel intuitive in the end

  6. Erinç Argimak sagt:

    > What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    RTS/TBS & Roguelike & Deckbuilding sounds very interesting. Also, playing action cards for real-time combat.

    > What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    The dungeon progression sounds a bit too similar to Slay the Spire.

    > Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    I wonder how pre-determined time steps will work out. I have a hunch that (competitive) players will want to reveal/change their cards at the last milliseconds of the turn, which might get a bit chaotic.

  7. Klejdi Sinollari sagt:

    I like the card duplication idea, it makes for a fun TBS game where your own cards depend directly on the cards the enemy has.

    I don't fully understand the RTS part of the game, feels more like a TBS with a stricter time limit.

    If time limit is an important factor of the game, it might be useful to remove the ability to pause the game. Also, the elite enemy level should scale, the elite in earlier rooms should be easier than elites in later rooms.

  8. Clemens Fromm sagt:

    Pro: It's an incredibly interesting concept with the potential for a lot of depth in how the player can tackle the game.

    Con: The complexity of your game might become overwhelming to the players. There seems to be a lot going on especially at the same time. This especially comes into play during a battle when you are not only managing your cards, the enemies' cards but also duplicating and using your enemies cards after duplicating them, probably not even knowing what they actually do at the time unless you can pause and then check which would also interrupt the general flow of game.

    Suggestion: The combination between RTS and TBS sounds interesting but it adds to the confusing and overwhelming load put on the player upfront. I think it could be helpful to define the ratio between RTS and TBS and what element of each are actually necessary to bring the idea to life otherwise they will stand in conflict with one another.

    As a general note, you might want to check out the game "One Step From Eden" for some inspiration or just an example for how somebody tried something in this direction. It plays around with similar enough concepts, combining deck-building and real-time action in a roguelike.

  9. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge49ciy) sagt:

    Pro: I like that you can duplicate your enemy's cards. That would make the game really interesting. 

    Con/Concern: Adding a card to the deck after the duplication process is finished and being able to use it in the next levels might result in building a dominating deck too quickly, especially if it is a rare/epic/legendary card.

    Suggestion: I would suggest maybe limiting the time the duplicated card can be kept as a part of your deck and having to reduplicate it again.

  10. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge32hiw) sagt:

    Pro: I like the story and character design and how is everything you would find a in a computer is used. A RTS game with card also seem as a nice idea as I already play one a lot and it is very competitive and opens a lot of potential.

    Con: I did not understand how the game map and player movement will be. Will it be like a chess board or is it more free? This part was not clear at all for me.

    Suggestion: I would like to understand more how the map and gameplay will be in the next presentation, so if you repeat that clearly it would be great. Also there is a game called clash royale which a card based game and add the RTS aspect in a nice way, maybe it can help

  11. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge42qoy) sagt:

    Pro: I really liked your presentation style. I find the idea very interesting and could capture a lot of depth in the game is played by the player

    Con: I don't really understand how it works in RTS and is TB. That is a bit confusing and unclear to me.

    Suggestion: Removing the pause ability since for me it doesn't really make sense. The player sooner or later needs to start adjusting his speed to be able to win. I think having the pause button is like a safe zone for the player where he will always be using it to stop and think thus very slow progress. 

  12. Bassant Essam Mahmoud Ali Elnaggar sagt:

    Pro: I love the character development in the gameplay and looking forward for the cards designs & functionalities. 

    Con: I'm not sure why the game requires RTS and TBS, why can't it only focus on just one of them?

    Suggestion: I feel the game has multiple levels, cards development and different time systems which feels like a lot of workload and I suggest focusing more on the cards with the different levels.