
To integrate new targets/controllers see Integration of New Controllers / Cards

The standard project should already contain all ICs and PXIs required for the experiments

Custom Devices

To integrate new custom devices, see Custom Devices

The standard project uses the following custom devices on the IC:

  • Scan Engine and EtherCAT
    This custom devices reads and writes the signals from the input/output cards.
    Since most cards of cRIOs are not supported, the signals are read by using the FPGA.
  • UDP-Custom-Device
    In order to exchange data with the PXIs (mostly electric measurements), the UDP custom device is used.

Simulation Models

The simulation models for the heat side are mostly generated from LabVIEW models.

Parameters of the model can be changed in the System Definition File. However the changes will be overwritten, if the model is reloaded.

Signal mapping


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