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This is a custom template root page. Below are the instructions for defining those templates. Note that the text and images in this page are ignored and do not affect the custom template dialog

How to Define Custom Templates for in Confluence Server for Confluence Server version 6.5.0 introduces the concept of custom templates. This enables you to define set(s) of custom templates that appear in the new diagram splash screen.

To configure, go to the add-on management screen at BASE_URL/admin/drawioConfig.

The "Custom templates configuration page" holds the URL to a Confluence page (of your choosing) where you define new splash screen sections as child pages. The content of the page linked is not used in the splash, and the blueprint for that page, known as the "root custom template page", only contains this help text.

Each child page of the root custom template page is displayed as a section in the new diagram splash screen (unless a child page holds no diagrams). When you have created the child pages, diagrams in those pages will show under the "Custom Templates" section in the splash:

In this case there are three child pages. To add diagram templates to these section, add the diagrams to the child pages as you would add diagrams to a normal Confluence page:

The titles of the sections match those of the child page titles and the diagram titles in the splash will use the names of the diagrams in the pages.

When a template is used, a copy of that template is saved locally to the page, the original template is unchanged

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