Sionlib is a scalable I/O library for the parallel access to task-local files. The library not only supports writing and reading binary data to or from several thousands of processors into a single or a small number of physical files but also provides for global open and close functions to access SIONlib file in parallel. SIONlib provides different interfaces: parallel access using MPI, OpenMP, or their combination and sequential access for post-processing utilities.

Installation and Use of SIONlib on LRZ platforms

SIONlib library is enabled on SuperMUC-NG and the Linux Cluster. It has been built for Intel MPI with gcc and Intel compilers.

Enabling SIONlib

To make use of SIONlib, please load the module, e.g.

module load sionlib

Compiling and Linking SIONlib

Example for C Program with MPI

LDFLAGS += `sionconfig --libs --64 --mpi -be`
CFLAGS += `sionconfig --cflags --64 --mpi -be`
$(MPICC) sionpar-test.c -c $(CFLAGS)
$(MPICC) sionpar-test.o -o sionpar-test $(LDFLAGS)


Please refer to SIONlib Web Site for more information about the API.