- 2023-02-15 Introduction to LRZ HPC Systems with Focus on CFD Workflows (hcfd4w22)
- 2023-02-22 Programming with Fortran (hfor1w22)
- 2023-03-07 Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems (hppb1w22)
- 2023-03-16 Introduction to ANSYS CFX on LRZ HPC Systems (hcfd5w22)
- 2023-03-28 Research Data Management for Data from HPC - Best-Practice and Applications
- 2023-04-12 AI Training Series - Orientation Session (hdta1s23)
- 2023-04-17 EuroCC2 AI for Science Bootcamp (hbcp1s23)
- 2023-04-19 Introduction to LRZ HPC Systems with Focus on CFD Workflows (hcfd1s23)
- 2023-04-26 AI Training Series - Intro to Container Technology & Application to AI at LRZ (hdta2s23)
- 2023-04-26 ANSYS | CADFEM Simulation Day @ LRZ (hcfd3s23)
- 2023-05-03 AI Training Series - Introduction to the LRZ AI Systems (hdta3s23)
- 2023-05-04 AI Training Series - Intel AI Workshop - Accelerated Machine Learning with Intel (hdta7s23)
- 2023-05-09 AI Training Series - Introduction to the LRZ Linux Cluster (hdta4s23)
- 2023-05-09 SuperMUC-NG Status and Results Workshop (hsng1s23)
- 2023-05-11 Working with Noisy Quantum Computers (hqct1s23)
- 2023-05-12 AI Training Series - High Performance Data Analytics Using R at LRZ (hdta5s23)
- 2023-05-15 EuroCC2 N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp (hbcp2s23)
- 2023-05-16 CANCELLED AI Training Series - Intel AI Workshop - Accelerated Deep Learning (hdta8s23)
- 2023-05-17 AI Training Series - Introduction to the LRZ Compute Cloud (hdta6s23)
- 2023-06-05 OneAPI Hybrid Workshop (hoap1s23)
- 2023-06-13 Debugging with TotalView (httv1s23)
- 2023-06-20 Introduction to C++ (hcpb1s23)
- 2023-07-11 Deep Learning and GPU Programming using OpenACC @ HLRS (hdlw1s23)
- 2023-07-19 Eviden Qaptiva (QLM) Fast-Start Training (hqct2s23)
- 2023-07-19 Introduction to LRZ HPC Systems with Focus on CFD Workflows (hcfd2s23)
- 2023-09-05 Iterative Solvers for Linear Systems (hits1s23)
- 2023-09-15 CompBioMed - SEAVEA Hackathon (hcbms23)
- 2023-09-27 CANCELLED OpenMP Programming Workshop (homp1s23)
- 2023-10-03 Maustag - Open House at LRZ
- 2023-10-05 Data Parallelism - How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs (hdli1w23)
- 2023-10-09 AI Training Series - Orientation Session (hdta1w23)
- 2023-10-17 Data Parallelism - How to Train Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs (hdli2w23)
- 2023-10-18 Introduction to LRZ HPC Systems with Focus on CFD Workflows (hcfd1w23)
- 2023-10-23 AI Training Series - Intro to Container Technology & Application to AI at LRZ (hdta2w23)
- 2023-10-25 Modern C++ Software Design (hcpa1w23)
- 2023-10-25 Quantum Machine Learning with PennyLane (hqct1w23)
- 2023-11-06 Deep Learning and GPU Programming Workshop (hdli3w23)
- 2023-11-07 AI Training Series - Introduction to the LRZ AI Systems (hdta3w23)
- 2023-11-16 AI Training Series - Introduction to the LRZ Linux Cluster (hdta4w23)
- 2023-11-28 POSTPONED - Advanced Fortran Topics (hftn1w23)
- 2023-12-01 AI Training Series - The LRZ Compute Cloud for AI Support (hdta5w23)
- 2023-12-04 Node-Level Performance Engineering (hnpf1w23)
- 2023-12-13 Introduction to LRZ HPC Systems with Focus on CFD Workflows (hcfd2w23)