2023-07-19 Eviden Qaptiva (QLM) Fast-Start Training (hqct2s23)

CourseEviden Qaptiva (QLM) Fast-Start Training
Available places0
Date19.07.2023 – 20.07.2023
PriceEUR 0.00
LocationLeibniz Rechenzentrum
Boltzmannstr. 1
85748 Garching b. München
RoomSeminarraum 2
Registration deadline05.07.2023 23:59

The number of places of this on-site course is limited to 10. If you are interested in participating, please apply via the waiting list. The final participants will be selected and informed after the registration deadline has passed.

Participants are expected to bring their own laptops. There are no PCs installed in the course room!


This on-site course provides an introduction to programming quantum algorithms & applications with Eviden Qaptiva.

The course is organised in collaboration with Eviden.

Tentaitive Agenda

Day 1

Morning : Introduction to Quantum Computing and Eviden solutions

– Introduction to Quantum Computing: what is a qubit, how to represent it and how to build circuits

– Overview of the Eviden emulator : Quantum Learning Machine (QLM) – a platform for programming,

optimizing and simulating quantum computations

– Introduction to pyAQASM : Eviden Quantum Assembly language with a Python extension

– Hands-on 1: code your first Quantum program involving superposition and entanglement (EPR pair)

Afternoon : Introduction to Quantum Programming

– Introduction to pyAQASM : Eviden Quantum Assembly language with a Python extension

– Overview of advance tools for Quantum Programming on Eviden QLM

– Hands-on 2: set up any Quantum state using parametrized Gates

– Hands-on 3: build Quantum functions using Qroutines

– Hands-on 4: build your own Quantum gates using Abstract Gates

– Hands-on 5: simplify the design of applications using Plugins

Day 2

Morning : Introduction to (simulated) Quantum Annealing and QAOA

– Formulation of a QUBO problem (Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization)

– Presentation of Ising model

– Translation from one formulation to another (QUBO - Ising)

– Introduction to Simulated Quantum Annealing (SQA)

– Hands-on 6: solving a Maxcut problem with SQA

– Introduction to QAOA (Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm)

– Hands-on 7: solving a Maxcut problem with QAOA

Afternoon : Introduction to Quantum Circuit Optimizers and Noisy Simulation

– Introduction to quantum circuit optimizers

– Hands-on 8: optimizing quantum circuits with optimizers

– Introduction to noisy simulation

– Hands-on 9: QAOA noisy simulation

– Introduction to quantum circuit simulators

– Hands-on 10: using simulators


  • General scientific formation
  • Linear algebra basis
  • Quantum mechanism principles are recommended but not mandatory


  • Hands-on will be done on the LRZ QLM machine.
  • You need an ssh client (we recommend MobaXterm) installed on your system for the hands-on sessions.




Robert Wang (Eviden)

Prices and Eligibility

The course is open and free of charge for people from academia and industry.


Please register with your official e-mail address to prove your affiliation.

Withdrawal Policy

See Withdrawal

Legal Notices

For registration for LRZ courses and workshops we use the service edoobox from Etzensperger Informatik AG (www.edoobox.com). Etzensperger Informatik AG acts as processor and we have concluded a Data Processing Agreement with them.

See Legal Notices

119.07.202309:00 – 17:00Luigi Iapichino
Stefan Huber
LRZ Events
Leibniz RechenzentrumSeminarraum 2Lecture
220.07.202309:00 – 17:00Luigi Iapichino
Stefan Huber
LRZ Events
Leibniz RechenzentrumSeminarraum 2Lecture