2023-10-03 Maustag - Open House at LRZ

TourMaustag - Open House at LRZ
Available places250
Date03.10.2023 – 03.10.2023
PriceEUR 0.00
LocationLeibniz Rechenzentrum
Boltzmannstr. 1
85748 Garching b. München
Registration deadline03.10.2023 10:00

Maustag - Open House at LRZ

For more than 60 years, the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) has stood for powerful supercomputers and reliable IT services for science. On 3 October 2023, we will open our doors at the Garching Research Centre and show not only our famous SuperMUC-NG, which has some 311,040 computing nodes and is one of the fastest supercomputers in Europe, but also other high-performance systems. You can discover our first quantum computer, take a look at the LRZ's huge storage facilities and data libraries, and get to know powerful AI systems.

Use all your senses in the LRZ’s cinema to experience what researchers compute with these technologies. See stunning simulations and impressive visualisations in 3D, which show our universe, the human organism, tiny primordial animals and the origin of the world. Also, the Centre for Visualisation and Virtual Reality, V2C, takes its visitors to three-dimensional online worlds where digital art treasures and a digital version of the SuperMUC-NG can be discovered.

Let's take a look at supercomputers

Young and old visitors are welcome when the LRZ’s doors open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on “Mouse Day”. We offer various guided tours:

  • Guided tours for children in the computer cube, where supercomputers & Co are located - followed by a scavenger hunt about searching and finding on the Internet
  • Guided tours for adults in the computer cube in German and in English 
  • Guided tours at the Centre for Virtual Reality and Visualization (V2C). These tours are suitable for children from 5 years and adults alike. An English guided tour is also available here.

Furter infomation can be found under: https://www.lrz.de/wir/tag-der-offenen-tuer/

Registration is required for the tours via Registration Page








103.10.202310:00 – 17:00
Leibniz Rechenzentrum