Blog-Eintrag vom Oktober, 2024

by TUM, TUM Venture Labs and UnternehmerTUM

Follow in the Footsteps of Margarita Salas

Margarita Salas made her mark by unraveling the complexities of DNA with her groundbreaking work on DNA polymerase. Her discoveries transformed our understanding of genetic processes and molecular biology. Driven by a relentless quest for knowledge, she combined her deep scientific curiosity with innovative research techniques. Her contributions have significantly impacted both scientific exploration and practical applications in medicine.

For those embarking on innovation and entrepreneurship courses, Margarita Salas’ achievements highlight the power of blending passion with scientific inquiry. Her career exemplifies how transformative ideas can emerge from dedication and a willingness to explore new frontiers. Channel her legacy as you embark on your own ventures. Approach your projects with enthusiasm, challenge conventional thinking, and let your innovative spirit guide you toward groundbreaking discoveries and impactful solutions.

Follow in the Footsteps of Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace - the world’s first computer programmer. She envisioned the potential of machines long before they existed, creating the first algorithm intended for a computer. Her collaboration with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine set the stage for modern computing. Ada’s trailblazing achievements remind us that with imagination and perseverance, you can pioneer new fields and make a lasting impact. For women aspiring to make their mark in technology and beyond, her story is a powerful source of inspiration.

Tu Youyou’s groundbreaking work in discovering artemisinin demonstrates how innovation can arise from blending diverse perspectives and persistent effort. By integrating traditional herbal knowledge with modern scientific methods, she created a revolutionary malaria treatment that has saved millions of lives. Her success story highlights the potential of combining creativity with rigorous research.

For students entering innovation and entrepreneurship courses, Tu Youyou’s journey serves as a powerful reminder that transformative ideas often come from exploring new approaches and staying dedicated to solving real-world problems.

Follow in the Footsteps of Tu Youyou

Innovation is the key to shaping the future, and no one embodies this spirit better than Rosalind Franklin. Her pioneering work in DNA research—done at a time when the scientific world was largely male-dominated—has inspired generations to break barriers and think differently. Franklin's relentless curiosity, problem-solving mindset, and passion for discovery laid the groundwork for one of the most transformative breakthroughs in human history.

Just like Franklin, you have the power to make a difference, no matter your background. Our innovation courses are designed to inspire diverse minds, equipping you with the skills and mindset to solve today’s challenges and create tomorrow’s breakthroughs.


Follow in the Footsteps of Rosalind Franklin

We cordially invite you, dear Postdocs, to participate in the In-Person TUM Postdoc Day 2024 on the 7th of November. The format is aimed at Postdocs at TUM.

You will get insights on the TUM Tenure Track System and get to engage with our Tenure Track Panelists, which will provide their personal insights on their pathway towards their own Research Group by the TUM Tenure Track System.

Furthermore, you will get in touch with our different support structures at TUM and are welcome to consult them for any questions arising for example when arriving here in Munich, when searching for accommodation or when looking for language courses. Furthermore, you will learn about various opportunities to expand your skillset as a postdoc. In addition, you will be provided information about funding opportunities for your future career by TUM ForTe.

The event will take place from 14:30 to 17:45 on 7th of November. The programme is currently planned as follows:

  • 14:30-15:00 Welcome Registration 
  • 15:00-16:30 Paneldiscussion „Pathways towards your own Research Group – The Tenure Track
  •  16:40-17:45 TUM Support Structures - Offers for Postdocs at TUM
    • TUM Global & Alumni  
    • TUM Language Center
    • TUM Gender & Diversity 
    • TUM Munich Dual Career Office
    • TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
    • TUM University Library
    • TUM Patents and Licences
    • TUM Entrepreneurship
    • TUM Research Data Hub
    • TUM Sustainability
    • TUM Faculty Recruitment
    • TUM Research Funding Support (TUM ForTe) / TUM Talent Factory

To take part in the TUM Postdoc Day, you will have to register in advance.

Link for Registration:


Dr. Tiffany Paulisch

Wissenschaftliche Referentin | Scientific Officer

TUM Talent Factory | Nationale Forschungsförderung

Technische Universität München

TUM ForTe - Forschungsförderung und Technologietransfer

Arcisstrasse 21

80333 München

Tel.: 089 / 289-25577

Fax: 089 / 289-28381 |

Technical, Administrative und Doctoral Student Program

Beim Technical Studentship Program handelt es sich um ein Praktikum für Bachelor- und Master-Studierende zwischen 2 und 12 Monaten während der Studienzeit in den 6 verschiedenen Fachbereichen Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Angewandte Physik, Allgemeines/Bau-Ingenieurswesen, Material- & Oberflächenwissenschaften sowie IT, Mathematik & Robotik. Frühestmöglicher Start (mit Flexibilität) wäre ca. im April 2025

Studierende müssen bis Anfang Februar 2025 mindestens 18 Monate/3 Semester Vollzeitstudium an einer Universität oder Fachhochschule abgeschlossen haben, die Staatsbürgerschaft eines der CERN Member/Associate Member States besitzen sowie für den gesamten Zeitraum des Praktikums als Vollzeit-Studierende eingeschrieben bleiben. Alle Zulassungskriterien sowie weitere Infos kann man den jeweiligen Stellenbeschreibungen entnehmen.

Hier sind die entsprechenden Links zu den Stellenanzeigen inkl. Direktlink zur Bewerbung:

Technical Student Program 

IT, Mathematics & Robotics 2025-1:

Material & Surface Science 2025-1:

Electrical / Electronics Engineering 2025-1:

Mechanical Engineering 2025-1:

General / Civil Engineering 2025-1:

Applied Physics 2025-1:

Für Bachelor- und Master-Studierende im Administrativen Bereich (HR, International Relations, Finance, Laws etc.) bieten wir zudem das Administrative Student Programme an und für Studierende, die nach Abschluss ihres Master-Studiums einen PhD anstreben, bieten wir das Doctoral Student Programme an:

Administrative Student Programme 2025-1:
Doctoral Student Programme 2025-1:

Bewerbungsschluss für alle Programme ist der 4.November 2024, 23:59 Uhr und das finale Auswahlkomitee findet Anfang Februar 2025 statt.

Herzlichen Dank vorab für Eure/Ihre Unterstützung in dieser wichtigen Sache und einen schönen Tag.

Viele Grüße aus der Schweiz,

Sabrina Holthausen

Sabrina Holthausen

Talent Acquisition

CERN HR Department

Esplanade des Particules 1, 1217 CH

Tel: +41 227668820| int: 68820

Office: 5/2-016

TAKE PART ! Opportunities at CERN   

TUM Alumni & Career (w24)

Der TUM Alumni & Career Service bietet im Wintersemester über 100 Karriere-Events und zahlreiche Services auf Deutsch und Englisch an. Unsere Angebote stehen allen Studierenden, Promovierenden und Alumni der TUM offen.

Wir unterstützen bei der Erstellung von Bewerbungsunterlagen und geben Informationen und Tipps, wie die Jobsuche, der Berufseinstieg und die Karriereplanung effektiv gestaltet werden können.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website:

TUM Career Days: Ein ganzer Tag im Zeichen Ihrer Karriere

An den TUM Career Days bieten wir eine Reihe spannender Veranstaltungen an, darunter Lebenslauf-Checks, kostenlose Bewerbungsfotos, Speed-Dating mit Unternehmen, Karriere-Webinare, individuelle Karriereberatung und den Austausch mit TUM-Alumni in der Career Lounge. Im Wintersemester finden die TUM Career Days an folgenden Tagen statt:

  • November 2024 am Campus München & Online
  • Dezember 2024 am Campus Weihenstephan
  • Januar 2025 am Campus Garching & Online

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:

Neu ab diesem Wintersemester: „Engineers for Germany“

Die TUM hat das Programm „Engineers for Germany“ ins Leben gerufen, um internationale Masterstudierende des Ingenieurwesens (z.B. AEP, BEMP, CIW, QST) gezielt auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt vorzubereiten und sie mit potenziellen Arbeitgebern zu vernetzen. Das Team von Alumni & Career unterstützt die Teilnehmenden durch individuelle Karriereberatung, intensive Betreuung im Bewerbungsprozess sowie durch Workshops und vielfältige Networking-Möglichkeiten – sowohl untereinander als auch mit TUM Alumni aus unterschiedlichsten Unternehmen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Daria Senft

Pronouns: she/her

Project Management Alumni&Career

Technical University of Munich
TUM Global & Alumni Office

Alumni & Career

Richard-Wagner-Str. 3,80290 München

Tel: +49 (0)89 289 22695


Explore Our Exciting Winter Term Program: career-service/

TUM Alumni & Career offers more than 100 career events in German and in English and provides support for all students, alumni and doctoral candidates of TUM.

We support you in preparing application documents and provide you with information and tips on how to effectively plan and shape your job search, your career entry and your career.

Visit our website for more information:

TUM Career Days: A whole day dedicated to your career 

At the TUM Career Days, we offer a range of exciting events, including resume checks, free application photos, speed dating with companies, career webinars, individual career counseling, and networking opportunities with TUM alumni in the Career Lounge. The TUM Career Days will take place on the following dates during the winter semester:

  • November 14, 2024, at the Munich campus & online
  • December 10, 2024, at the Weihenstephan campus
  • January 23, 2025, at the Garching campus & online

For more information, please visit:

New this winter semester: "Engineers for Germany"

TUM has launched the "Engineers for Germany" program to specifically prepare international Master's students in engineering fields (e.g. AEP, BEMP, CIW, QST) for the German job market and connect them with potential employers. The Alumni & Career team supports participants with personalized career counseling, intensive assistance throughout the application process, as well as workshops and diverse networking opportunities – both among students and with successful TUM alumni from various companies.

For more information, please visit:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Daria Senft

Pronouns: she/her

Project Management Alumni&Career

Technical University of Munich
TUM Global & Alumni Office

Alumni & Career

Richard-Wagner-Str. 3,80290 München

Tel: +49 (0)89 289 22695


Explore Our Exciting Winter Term Program: career-service/