Blog-Eintrag vom Juni, 2024

The EuroTeQ Course Catalogue is expanding! In addition to the two elite business schools HEC and IESE, which have joined the EuroTeQ Alliance, we welcome the renowned École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), which also offers online courses for our TUM students, as a new member in our EuroTeQ Course Catalogue. At the moment, more than 1,200 students are actively participating in our EuroTeQ courses in the summer semester 2024.

The EuroTeQ Course Catalogue offers a diverse selection of courses that provide students with unique learning opportunities in a wide range of engineering, technology and entrepreneurship disciplines.

The application period runs until July 29, 23:59 CET. Apply here: Studying within the EuroTeQ network - TUM Global.

Course spotlight

Discover DTU's Sustainable Business in the Pharmaceutical Industry course, revolutionizing pharmaceutical models in emerging markets. At TU/e, the Innovation Space project lets interdisciplinary teams tackle real-world challenges with top companies. Explore TalTech's Information Society Principles course, diving into e-governance with engaging field trips to Tallinn to government authorities and private companies in the e-governance field.

Boost your cybersecurity skills with TalTech's Cyber Incident Handling course, mastering incident management and emergency procedures through interactive exercises. At L’X, join the Organic-Based Materials for Solar Cells course to learn the latest in organic material design for photovoltaic applications. Don't miss these opportunities to advance your knowledge and career!

Did you know?

It is more fun to take a course with a friend! Tell your friends about us and you both will have a chance to win a gift from us when they mention your name in the application form.

Your EuroTeQ Engineering University Team


Technical University of Munich
TUM Global & Alumni Office

Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich

Women in STEM Round Table: What it’s like to work in consulting?

What it's about and what you get out of it

For our Women in STEM Round Table at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), we have invited women role models who work in consulting – and who all studied in STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) fields. They will give you insights into the following questions:

  • What's it like to work in consulting?
  • What is it like to oftentimes being one of the few women or even the only woman in the room?
  • What are ways to stay resilient in a male-dominated environment?
  • How do I navigate a STEM career path?
  • How do I combine my job with my family (relationship, caring for children or elderly)?
  • What are the biggest challenges in my day-to-day work life?
  • What are things I wish I had known when I was a student?

Your bonus: The role models will take time to answer your personal questions. You also get the chance to meet other STEM women at TUM over coffee and breakfast!

With the "Women in STEM Round Table" format, we want to show inspiring role models to have STEM careers being discussed live. We want to inspire, encourage and support. Get your (free) ticket here!

Who this Round Table is for

Invited are all (those who identify as) FINTA bachelor and master students as well as PhD candidates and post-docs at TUM as well as STEM-interested school girls. FINTA refers to women, intersex, non-binary, transgender and agender people.

Check out our previous Women in STEM Round Table events here!


We'll show you: You're not alone!

For a woman to decide for a STEM degree or career might sound challenging to some and it might be self-evident to others – it can definitely be rewarding! However, many women might feel as if there aren’t that many other women taking that road as the numbers of women in STEM show.

But: These women are not alone and you are not alone! You will meet inspiring women on our panel who have built successful careers with their STEM studies.


Our Role Models come from the following companies and positions

Samiddha Mukherjee Associate Manager @ Netlight Consulting

Mariana Zehender Associate @ Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Ines Wichert Senior Analytics & Insights Consultant @ Temedica

Dr. Ariane C. Boehm Senior Consultant @ d-fine


Coaching sessions in small groups on your topics

After the panel discussion and after your questions have been answered, coaches will be available to discuss the following topics with you in small groups:

  • prioritizing
  • self- & time management
  • dealing with conflicts
  • mindset & mental health


Agenda for July 5, 2024

08:30 Doors open

09:00 - 09:15 Welcome by Dr. Alina Gales, Head of Staff Unit Diversity & Equal Opportunities

09:15 – 10:00 Panel discussion with our role models

10:00 - 10:30 Q&A session

10:30 - 11:00 Breakfast & networking

11:00 - 12:00 Coaching sessions in groups



Location: Galileo Garching | Walther-von-Dyck Straße 4, 85748 Garching, 4th Floor

Subway-Station Garching Forschungszentrum (U6)

The location is barrier-free accessible.

For organizational reasons, please register via eventbrite.

Please note that photos and videos might be taken during the event. If you are concerned about being photographed or filmed, please contact the team before the event.

Host: Staff Unit Diversity & Equal Opportunities, Technical University of Munich

Contact: Dr. Alina Gales,

The Women in STEM Round Table is supported by the Google exploreCSR research program.

Our School together with the TUM School of Engineering and Design, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, and TUM Gender Equality Office will be present on Wednesday, June 12 starting from 12h at TUM Sustainability Day’s Fair of Opportunities.

Our program is dedicated to raise awareness and generate conversations around gender equality and diversity in our university:

12:00-18:00h Ongoing activities

  • Interactive world map: Where are you from?  
  • Leave us a note: Why is diversity important for sustainable development?  
  • Set of cards: Stand up for DIVERSITY  

12:30-13:00h Meet and Talk

Open conversations with:  

  • Prof. Donna Ankerst, CIT Vice Dean Talent Management & Diversity
  • Prof. Karen Alim, NAT Vice Dean Talent Management & Diversity
  • Dr. Eva Sandmann, TUM Gender Equality Officer

13:00-14:00 h Diversity Fuels Creativity

Create your own t-shirt and tell us what diversity means to you!  

14:00-14:30h Meet and Talk

Open conversations with:  

  • Prof. Claudia Peus, TUM Senior Vice President Talent Management & Diversity

14:30-16:00h Tell the World

Send greetings from TUM all over the world!  

16:00h Explore your Privileges

Privilege game

Start 16:15h

Rest of t-shirts and postcards 

All students, doctoral candidates, staff and researchers are welcome to pass by and engage in any of our activities!

The venue is the Mechanical Engineering Building and you can find us in the area of “Circularity and Awareness”, stands H3-7 and 8.

More about the TUM Sustainability Day can be found at TUM Sustainability Day 2024 (

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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Herzlichen Dank und schöne Grüße

Ani Dzhigovechki


Ana Dzhigovechki

Technische Universität München

Stabsstelle Diversity & Equal Opportunities


+ 49 89 289 22380 | |

Post | Arcisstraße 21 | 80333 München

Besuch | Barer Straße 21 | 80333 München | 3. OG, Raum S3515