Blog-Eintrag vom September, 2023

Prepare for the next TUMexchange applications round and join the info events: TUMexchange offers Bachelor's and Master's students of all disciplines the opportunity for a study-related stay abroad at selected partner universities in non-EU countries. Applications for stays abroad for both the summer and winter semesters are possible once a year: At the beginning of the winter semester, students apply directly to the TUM Global & Alumni Office in the first step. After successful nomination, the application is submitted to the desired partner university.

Your TUMexchange application – step by step

Study one week at a European partner university: The ATHENS Program offers students and doctoral candidates of TUM the opportunity to stay abroad at 24 partner universities in Europe (e.g. ParisTech, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Czech Technical University). Twice a year – in mid-March and mid-November – specialized courses take place at the same time at all ATHENS universities.

Apply now for short stays abroad via the ATHENS program

Complement your curriculum with an online course at CTU in Prague or Eindhoven University of Technology: Through a joint course catalogue, students of the EuroTeQ partners have the opportunity to attend courses at the partner universities. TUM students can in general take courses at DTU, TU/e, L'X, Technion, TalTech and CTU – and also at TUM itself.

Apply for the last spots available via the EuroTeQ Course Catalogue by September 14

Gain practical experience in administration worldwide: The Maximilian Graf Montgelas Fellowships provide employees of the university administration with the opportunity to spend time at TUM partner institutions around the world. In line with the TUM Agenda 2030, the aim is to further strengthen the internationalization of the TUM administration both in terms of personal competence gain and the further development of an internationally capable science administration.

Apply now for a Montgelas Fellowship

The TUM.Africa Talent Program is headed to the next round: The TUM.Africa Talent program - a joint TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS) and TUM Global & Alumni Office initiative - is designed as a research exchange program, bringing together talented and highly educated doctoral candidates from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with professors, Junior Fellows and doctoral candidates at TUM striving for common goals: scientific excellence, the promotion of knowledge and mutual understanding, access and contribution to (joint) scientific publications and the wish to have a positive societal impact.

Submit nominations for TUM.Africa Talent 2024 now

Invite professors from international partners for collaboration: The TUM Global Visiting Professor Program offers the opportunity to recruit excellent professors from international partner universities for temporary teaching and research collaborations, thus further promoting the internationalization of TUM. Applications for the program can be submitted at any time.

Apply now for the TUM Global Visiting Professor program

Grants for research cooperation with international partners: The TUM Global Incentive Fund supports the initiation and deepening of international relationships worldwide and in particular with selected partner universities, such as the three flagship partners Imperial College London, Tsinghua University, and The University of Queensland, as well as the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana, Aalto University in Finland, Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) in Italy and Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Brazil.

Apply for the TUM Global Incentive Fund by September 25

China Round Table in October

Successful cooperation under complex conditions: TUM G&A's Global Engagement team hosts a China Round Table on October 10 at 2 p.m., offering all TUM employees from science, science management, and administration the opportunity for information and exchange. Registration is required.

Learn more