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Group #1 "Thalia" (blue)

  • summarized distribution of attendance in course specializations or minor subjects

A curriculum consists of rule nodes, which contain the modules. These rule nodes may represent several specialization options or minor subjects in the study program. For example, there are 3 rule nodes containing the modules of each minor subject. How the attendance is distributed over the three rule nodes, will also answer the question how many percent of students have chosen each minor subject.

  • detail view of attendance distribution over semesters for a selected module

The column "Fachsemester" shows, in which semester of study the module was most frequently completed by active students. In a detail view the authenticated user can see, how many students completed the module in which semester of study.

  • attendance of the same module across different study programs

For example module MA9001 is part of different study programs. Having searched for or selected a module, the user can see in a detail view, how many students completed this module in different study programs.

Group #2 "Athene" (green)

  • frequency of attendance for similar students

For students having completed at least one equal elective as other students, a list of elective modules is generated, that these other students have also completed. Extending this approach students would not only like to know, how many students completed these modules in the study program, but how many students attended these modules having completed the same electives.

  • simulation of recommendations

Students would like to know how these recommendations change, if a certain module would already have been completed. For this reason the user should be able to select a module from the curriculum, add it to the list of already completed modules and simulate how the recommendations change.

  • characteristics of similar students

At present the list of elective modules is calculated for students having completed any elective. Students should be able to select one or more modules, which then are used for calculating the students' similarity to other students.

Group #3 "Hermes" (red) - click for project results 

  • students other subjects

Lecturers would like to know, what other subjects students study, who attended their modules.

  • sequence of attendance

Lecturers would like to know, in which sequence "their" students completed those other subjects.

  • multidisciplinary modules

Lecturers would like to know, how many students from which discipline attend their modules, respectively fulfill the requirements for their recommendations.