
Stefan Stark, Florian Höschl, Dennis Herr, Michael Felleisen
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Dipl.-Inf. Univ. David A. Plecher, M.A.
Submission Date:12.04.2018


Conflict arises between the Celts and the Romans when Gaius Julius Caesar is leading his military campaigns northwards to conquer Gaul, known as the 'bello Gallico'.

During his campaigns, Caesar encounters several `oppidum', fortified Celtic villages or cities. The player is taking control over the defenses of a small Celtic `oppidum' and has to defend the village using powerful Celtic runes. After the village is fortified enough to fend of wildlife, the player has to fend of wave after wave of the Romans that are trying their hardest to conquer the village. Who will come out on top? The organized roman empire or the naturalistic Celts with exceeding knowledge in ancient runes?

The game is supposed to teach players the meaning of ancient Celtic runes in a playful and engaging way. While playing the campaign players gradually unlock runes, that they must use with physical, printed markers to control the augmented reality world.
When a rune is unlocked the player gets educational information about the rune and an explanation of its effect in-game. The original meaning of the rune is related to their in-game effect to improve the learning experience by creating coherence between the educational information and the game experience.

We chose knowledge about Celtic runes as the educational goal, because the Celtic culture is an important part of Europe's history, but little is taught about Celts and especially about runes in the general education system. So even though most people might have heard about `runes' through games, there is little to no knowledge about their original usage and meaning.

algiz runefaithfully remodelled celtic hut in voxel formingame wiki interface exampletracking processgameplay (watch video for better impression)


coming soon

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