
Michael Felleisen
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Dipl.-Inf. Univ. David A. Plecher, M.A.
Submission Date:15.06.2019


In times of extreme quantities of accessable entertainment online, museums struggle to keep
their visitors interested and entertained.
In this thesis we will explore, in collaboration with the ’Abgussmuseum’ Munich, if it is possible to add value to the visitor experience with an augmented reality serious game application
for a special exhibition in 2019. In addition, we will use concepts and functionalities of three
previous bachelor theses and thereby create a basis for further work in this museum.


Museums have existed for more than 2000 years. Over the centuries the concept of museums
has spread all over the globe and there is hardly any country left today, no matter how small
it may be, that does not have a museum.
Traditionally, the task of a museum is to collect, preserve and research objects of cultural,
religious and historical relevance. Furthermore, a museum has the responsibility to present
its collection to the public.[1]
This task has changed in recent years. In the rapidly changing world of the Internet, museums
with their information panels and gradually changing exhibitions are slowly but surely being
left behind.
Nevertheless, the number of museum visits between 1995 and 2017 has increased more or
less steadily, despite the boring reputation museums enjoy especially amongst teenagers.
As reasons for the increase in visitor numbers, the museums themselves reported special
exhibitions, special events and intensified public relations work.
Overall, the number of visitors has risen sharply in 18.1% of all museums. A significant
decline in the number of visitors can be observed in about one fifth of all museums.
This is mostly due to the end of special exhibitions, fewer special exhibitions and renovation
work. Apps are rarely used in museums. In 2017, only 7.1% of all museums surveyed used
apps in their exhibitions. However, computer-aided programs are already used by 18.2% of
all museums.[2]
Since computers and especially smartphones are an indispensable part of almost every adult’s
everyday life, it could be that these types of media in particular arouse more interest than
conventional media.
In addition, the possibilities of a museum to show and explain certain things through apps
and computer programs are much less restricted than with conventional media.
Therefore we will try to show how the famous Laokoon group is composed of its eight
individual parts. An effort that can even be done interactively.
Furthermore, we will try to lay the foundation for other university projects by creating an
easily extensible and durable app framework.
And perhaps this or a project based on this will be part of the next special exhibition of the
cast museum in Munich.

[1] E.N.Arinze, "The Role of the Museum in Society" (1999)

[2]Institut für Museumsforschung. "Heft 72, Statistische Gesamterhenung an den Museen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für das Jahr 2017. (2018)

Intended Usage Loop for Framework for Future Projects at the Abgussmuseum Munich

Laokoon group Puzzle Features


All in all, we’ve learned a lot. Museums report increasing numbers of visitors if they constantly
try to create something new. Special exhibitions and events seem to work best here.
Photogrammetry programs are getting better and better, as are the 3D tracking capabilities of
augmented reality frameworks. These can work together, but success is not guaranteed yet.
Modern smartphones are very good at being able to display 3D models with good framerates
if the models have reduced polygon numbers. With the help of external programs it is possible
to hide the reduced resolution of the processed models very well. Interactive functions like
own exhibit collections, which can be brought home by visitors, seem to be especially well
received in museum apps.
The use of augmented reality has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are the
boundless freedom that creators of such apps enjoy to communicate their knowledge in a
very creative way.
Disadvantages are the not yet perfect tracking algorithms and the underdeveloped technical
affinity of especially older museum guests.
We have shown that with augmented reality you can show things that would otherwise be
impossible with the traditional means of a museum. And that the new way of showing
things gives a significant boost to motivation and with that education, especially for younger
We have also learned that there can be too many augmented reality functions and that they
can be challenging even for technically affine users. In the future, with further technical
innovations and people integrating technology more and more into their everyday lives, this
will probably become less and less of a problem.
With such augmented reality applications, museums have an easy way to distinguish their
exhibitions from those of other museums. And they should at least try to develop one,
because they get easier and easier to make as time goes on.
We are excited about what will evolve from this project in the future and hope that this app
or an extension of it will be used in the special exhibition of the cast museum Munich.

Final presentation slides:

Download Unity Project: