“Escape: Kill Zone” is an online multiplayer First-Person Shooter created in the course of Level Engineering.

Play against your friends and beat them in an epic battle for your freedom.

You are a prisoner competing to gain your freedom and to entertain a rich and powerful person.

Show your skill on three unique maps with different game modes.

The project is not completely finished and could be improved in future.


Escape - Kill Zone Trailer.mp4

(The trailer also inclueds images from older versions of the game.)


Zone Caption: Stay in the zone for 3 minutes to win the game.


Gates: In order to open the gates and to escape you have to gain 15 kills.


Escape: Gain 15 kills and reach the roof to escape.

Development Process of the Maps

In the following paragraph are some pictures to get a sense of the design and development of the game maps.

First we sketched out the rough shape and ideas of the maps. After some playtests and iteration on the concept we replaced the rough shapes with the final assets.

Team: Melih Yilmaz, Mohamed Dhia Nouri, Jonas Wischeropp