
Quentin Stickler
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


The goal of this paper is to show the relevance and easiness of integrating reactive programming (RP) into video game development. To achieve this we need to gain a deep understanding of the origins, use cases and strengths of RP and programming patterns and how we can declare reactive patterns respectively. In the end, we will look at such newly formed patterns in a general/abstract way and at a specific integration of them. The latter will be useful for developing a specific game mechanic either by integrating it directly or helping with its implementation by simplifying its testing stage. By reading and understanding this thesis every developer will be able to integrate RP patterns into their own projects as well as build on top of it by developing new patterns for their game mechanics. When creating new patterns, some will be similar to the ones proposed in this paper or use them in their implementation, some will be completely new. This thesis will help with thinking and tackling programming problems in a reactive way which will ultimately help to develop a more vivid and interactive game environment for developers and players.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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