
Andre Wörle
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


Bringing games into various fields like education is a well-used approach over the last decade. That is the reason why this work will propose an implementation on learning through game design. Information about teaching and learning will be gathered. The main focus will be on how lessons can be structured with the AVIVA+ Model to meet the students’ learning goals, taking criteria like motivation into account. Furthermore, how teaching methods support the AVIVA+ Model will be shown. Afterwards two views on classification of game elements will be presented. The gamification taxonomy classification of those elements will be applied on teaching methods with the aim to enhance learning. The theoretical framework will then be used to develop a tool which contains game elements matched to teaching methods. The aim is to find out how learning can be enhanced with game design and to develop teaching tools for university courses featuring game-typical elements. Based on the collected knowledge about learning and teaching, game elements should improve learning process of university students.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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