
Mike Krisztián Molnár
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


This thesis will develop a framework for boss battles with reusability, optionality, and scalability in mind. The main aspects and history of boss battles are presented, as well as recent developments and findings. A discussion of the design and implementation will be discussed and described. This includes a thorough overview of the animator graph and how this is handled in the script. Furthermore, a detailed description of the creation process, the base animator state machine, attack state machines, and their corresponding animation graphs are discussed. In addition, the implementation of the optionality is presented. Another main topic is the behavior script explanation. Followed by a detailed discussion of Unity's movement options. The basic AI and the finite state machine approach are presented. The functions handling the optionality of phases and moving sets are also described. The final part of the thesis deals with evaluation methodologies, results, and future works.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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