
Konstantin Berghausen
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Christian Eichhorn (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


An aging population and technological advances in the healthcare industry mean that care is also becoming an increasingly important aspect of today’s world. This is also accompanied by an increasing demand for care staff. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find enough suitable staff to provide sufficiently good care for people in need of care. To address this problem, it is important to take advantage of technological advances. For example, today’s cell phones and smartwatches such as the iPhone and the Apple Watch offer numerous functions in the area of health. It therefore makes sense to use these technologies in the area of care as well, thus relieving the existing staff. This thesis builds on an existing work, which had the goal of simplifying care through digitalization by providing an iPhone app for a caregiver and an Apple Watch app for the care receiver. The iPhone application is used by the caregiver to set various medication tasks for the care receiver and allows health data to be monitored. The Apple Watch application is used to display tasks to be completed and medications to be taken, as well as other information, to the care receiver in an accessible manner. The aim of this thesis is to further improve the existing project by also providing an iPhone application for the care receiver while complying with all accessibility standards. Particular attention should be paid to the user interface, so that this is ideally designed for the care receiver.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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