
Sirin Fki dit Kaaniche
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Linda Rudolph (@ge29tuw)
Submission Date:[created]


In recent years, industries have been embracing the use of Augmented Reality (AR) to optimize and facilitate their processes and assist their frontline work and training strategies. To be able to provide a realistic and immersive experience to the average user, correctly registering virtual objects and reliably combining virtual and real worlds are a necessity. To achieve this, an AR system needs to keep track of the user’s positioning and orientation throughout the experience: This is called AR tracking, ‘heart’ of AR systems as defined by ‘Sanny Siltanen’. This thesis aims at studying the importance of the AR integration in industrial systems, analyzing how the tracking module’s quality impacts the productivity and usability of industrial AR applications and preparing a roadmap for steps to improve tracking in AR applications. We base our work on an investigation of a case study, where we analyze environmental factors impacting AR tracking and create typical scenarios that sum up AR use cases within the case study. We use these scenarios to conduct user interviews from diverse groups and map out an AR user journey. Through the three user stages: Tracking setup, scene anchoring and continuous tracking, three different aspects of improvement methods are generated in a matrix: User guidance, scene anchoring efficiency and tracking quality. Lastly, we study these methods, their impacts and tools and create a roadmap for improving the tracking module of an industrial AR application.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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