
Alexandru Balotescu
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:15.05.2023
Presentation Date:25.05.2023


This paper aims at facilitating documentation writing in game development by creating a volatile and customizable system that helps developers navigate the process of creating a game. To this end, the thesis proposes the Ludodome framework – a comprehensive mechanism designed to address complex challenges in the documentation process of modern game development. With its structured approach and systematic methodology, the Ludodome framework provides a practical and effective way to analyze, document and plan the transition from a simple game idea into a full-fledged implementation, with an emphasis on pre-production, but also with various beneficial implications further down the line, into production. It incorporates a set of principles and guidelines that help steer decision-making and ensure design consistency. In essence, the Ludodome guides the developers from the primal game idea – the concept, through pre-production, where long-standing, robust game pillars are established in order to conserve the game’s guiding principles throughout the whole development process. It then sets the stage for the production phase by paving the way for creating coherent, well-founded user stories via features, all while striving to achieve the final goal of the game. Finally, the resulting artifacts provide a unified collection of game development documents.



Final Presentation

Actual Presentation

(before it was butchered to fit the timeframe (Lächeln))