
Claudio Belloni
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Daniel Dyrda (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


Gamespaces are a fundamental aspect in the context of game development. However, no tool dedicated exclusively to this concept has been developed, which leads to a lack of dedicated solutions to space-related problems as well as a lack of standards in gamespaces’ documentation. This study it therefore dedicated to the identification and proposal of a formal framework for the representation of gamespaces. Established academic literature from both game-specific research as well as architecture and urban planning has been analyzed as a foundation for the result. A series of case studies have been performed to identify and finalize the concrete framework, which is a graph with hierarchical qualities and multiple relations. The extent to which such an approach can support and improve gamespace’s design, implementation and analysis is explored. A procedure for spatial partitioning based on integrity of space is proposed as a way to extrapolate a meaningful set of nodes and edges for the resulting graph. An outlook into concrete applications and further development is also included.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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