
Mesmer, Tobias
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Eichhorn, Christian (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


Smartphones are a great development resource: nearly everybody owns one and is familiar in handling it, they have become increasingly more powerful, thus enabling more resource-intensive applications, and they are reasonably versatile and customizable softwarewise. A less known but nevertheless useful field of application is their use as user input and interaction devices for programs beyond on the smartphone itself. The Virtual Reality shopping simulation L¨adl makes use of a real smartphone as an additional input device next to regular Virtual Reality (VR) controllers or input from hand-tracking. The simulation is being used to study the influence of apps, which promote healthier food choices, on the shopping behavior of consumers. For this purpose, the screen of the participant’s own smartphone is being tracked via a webcam and then applied to a virtual smartphone model, enhancing the virtual world with a real-world feature. The L¨adl as well as the Augmented Virtuality (AV) smartphone have been implemented and refined in previous works, so in this paper, we focus on the stability, performance and usability of the AV smartphone. To achieve this, the tracking algorithm has been optimized, a backup video stream from the smartphone has been implemented and hand-tracking was adapted for better usability.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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