
Golovnya, Oleksandr
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Eichhorn, Christian (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


Serious Games are used as treatment for people with dementia. However, it is difficult for elderly people to learn how to use a digital system and control methods. For this purpose, we will create a Serious Game based on the game Ludo which utilizes the Natural User Interface and thus lessens the cognitive load on the player. We use a framework that can split a screen image across multiple devices in order to create a bigger digital playing field. The natural interactions are realized with 3D-printed conductive pieces that allow to play on the touchscreen, as well as a physical dice with Bluetooth connection. To provide more visual and tactile feedback for the players, we add microelectronic components to the pieces in the form of LEDs, a vibration motor and a color sensor. The game itself can be simplified so that the players are not overwhelmed, and will include a companion that will guide them through the game and help them.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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