
Oliver Schneider
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Sven Liedtke
Submission Date:March 15, 2023


Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been developed to a point where it can be used in real-life applications. Simple AR uses in car navigation and existing research in 3d path displays for airplanes lead to the hypothesis that holograms could be used as a new way to make aircraft navigation less complex and more intuitive. Following a projected Highway in the Sky (HITS) flight path using AR technology might improve pilot performance and reduce mental load. As a safe way to do research in this area before the technology is fully developed, testing can be done in a mixed-reality flight simulator to simulate holograms. To test these holographic navigation concepts, a simple way of creating and displaying them needs to be developed.

This thesis implements and describes a flexible framework that can be used to create, display, and do studies using holographic concepts for aircraft navigation. It supports different HITS representations, which can be defined in a simple format and used via an Application Programming Interface (API) or the provided scripts. No coding experience is needed to work with this framework, multiple example representations and scripts are provided as starting points for future research.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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