
Chen, Leonhard
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Dyrda, Daniel (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


The concept of pace can be found in many forms of narrative pieces and can be observed, when a player experiences flow. The goal of this thesis is to realize a system with dynamic pacing and adaptive challenge (DPAC) to enable a flow experience for the player. Therefore, the concept of pace itself and how it relates to flow are laid out first. On this basis, the different ways to adjust pace in challenges for a flow state within a player can be discussed. This is finally realized as a system using DPAC, which is also implemented. The results show that the adjustment of pace is possible in a wide array of game genres. The quality of pace adjustment depends on the game mechanics offered by the game. Additionally, adjusting pace in a challenge performs a difficulty adjustment at the same time. But under certain circumstances DPAC can become infeasible, when the options for adjusting pace are very little. Overall, most popular game genres offer a wide variety for adjusting pace and dynamic pacing and adaptive challenge has the potential to enable a state of flow.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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