
Ben Jazia, Mohamed
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Eichhorn, Christian (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


Superhuman Sports are a relatively new discipline that combines several aspects from different technical fields. Both academic and technical backgrounds have shown a remarkably increasing interest over the years. Their creation process can fundamentally benefit from the already existing and proven knowledge of broader video games. However, the implementation of some particular features, such as augmented reality or networking, can prove to be tedious and confusing. This thesis gives an evaluation and integration of the most relevant existing techniques and solutions available for these areas. They are regrouped and implemented as a multipurpose development ecosystem called AR Superhuman Sports Platform (ARSSP). The platform is centered around reusability, modularity, and cross-platform compatibility. It is structured in several frameworks that address specific recurrent problems in developing such applications. They provide solutions for establishing multiplayer game sessions, managing game states and player stats, persistent and replicated anchor placement on detected surfaces, and contextual and hierarchical user interfaces. Several libraries like Mirror and Ubi Interact for networking, and AR Foundation and Vuforia for AR are integrated into the system by abstracting their structures and globalizing their functionalities under generalized interfaces. The platform aims to simplify and accelerate superhuman sports development by providing a set of structures and functionalities that can significantly save time and effort. The system is evaluated by creating a game example called DropZone that benefits from the platform’s functionalities. The benchmark conducted from the game shows a relatively low overhead added from the platform.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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