
Valeriya Lehrbaum
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Dr. Asa McWilliams; Linda Rudolph, M.Sc.
Submission Date:16.08.2019


With 3D visualization and interaction-based Mixed Reality applications being applied in many different areas, a new question has arisen: how to visualize causality relations of system components in an immersive and interacting way?

This thesis introduces timeline and component specification techniques that can be used for causality visualization in Mixed Reality as a part of experiential learning. These approaches provide hands-on experience that encourages people to try and to assess the system. The timeline approach was developed using the Tower of Hanoi game as a prototype. By exploring and interacting with the game, users get a better understanding of the system and learn based on the mistakes made. 
To evaluate the users' behavior and performance, user studies were conducted and analyzed. The application has proven to be a relevant contribution to the Experiential Learning concept and has received positive feedback from the participants.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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